World-Smashing Rockets

Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir wielded, shaken like a gargling baby’s gargantuan rattle

Two on night watch, dire sentries crotch-grabbing and watch-watching, hawk-gozzing

Camera-bellied spyplanes like agile goshawks somersaulting above a shell-assaulted salient

Alien in aspect replete with asphyxiating atmosphere and fearful androids

Powerful as Greek androgynes the war machines, interfering at genetic levels netting the prizes of Genesis

Men of renown flock the field again, the recruits supporting them are downed, drowned in shellholes or turned into angry battlefield ghosts 

Clownlike the grieving mothers, seething spited Hera will not sit spurned

Ju-on death rattle

Hamlet’s father vengeance sent me, dark deeds and poisoned ears

Important men dead for ducats

Rain barrelling into buckets on muck-slick billet duckboards

When shells struck dugouts, God’s hand never interceded

War without precedent or antecedent

Storm of screaming steel, zeal of the steilhelmed

Pools constituent entirely of oil-psychedelised sludge and two foot of human blood

Where a clutch of foul-smelling eggs could hatch, collapsing in half to reveal krakens

Having exhausted resources, eaten all esculent horses before moving onto the whiskered

Fools, idiots, weaklings and panickers hacked dead, seared in pans to ensure strong hands and physiques

Ample physicality in army knights, keen minds in physikers

No signs of surcease in that fastidious force

Embattled cities resort to cannibalism.

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