Smashed at Actium

Gold much in Egypt

Gods older than the foam which drank Atlantis

Arch fantasist whose phantom hand called up every flower

He toward whom all followers tend eventually

Ear lender whose housing lobes empathic eternal paternal tenderness

At disposal every power, every rotad hour known to he Oldest

When ceaseless cleansing rains started, the heart of Tempestarii shattered

Again facing Atlantean patterns, looking to legend as lantern to illuminate a widening Atlantic; gelid hands at neck.

Gold none more precious plainly than the measureless wealth of the throne of old

Which Octavian’s heart-reigned mind treasures foremost

Rome’s throne, whose seat homed revered bones ages after Homer

Agrippa’s host captured Corcyra and Methone, lost Kabbalah sefirot

Above which Octavian’s flag flutters, Antony’s foe growing in confidence.

Antony wine-swollen decreasing in competence

Slovenly in sage-haunted onyx chambers drinking seer-concocted decocted admixtures as surcease from a shrinking planet and the upcoming planless battle on the plantless plain of the uncaring ocean

He had seen in keener days, with fleeter feet and finer sight, his life fire not yet at its height, the famed Eleusinian mysteries

What the sages dreamed when the seasons were still Demeter’s

Great gutter ocean measureless in metres threshed

Bubbling motion ineluctable, Egypt’s fleet sails hastily to action at Actium.

Octavine quadriremes laze, cased by creased mainsails

Masts in miniature, pteruges like lank destrier skirts lifted

Manhood drained into the Aegean, piss like driftwood glistening suncoloured in appearence

Paeans to pagan names, served under famed Priam in the days before Greek navies came in pursuit of beauty, naming the ocean purple

Pearl-perfect Helen of the Hellenes, whose eloping busies oceans

Movements not seen since Cyclopes built their exalted fortresses.

Space-surveying Captain decks pacing

Cloak swept behind batlike, lip firm as an actor’s when he left his black-haired widow and sole heir weeping without turning back

Seals bathing, abating waves framing beachheads

Sun bait for ranging angels

Beating down obscenely unseemly

Rows of breathless rowers almost unseated by sweat, heat hazing what is seen

Hastening rage of evening embracing day’s death

Lictor inspecting ranks and condition of arms

Honed moon axe-blade atop coupled staves make a fasces

Sweaty regretful hefty layers of office dreadful in this weather

He stops mid-line to doff his helm

An enslaved Nubian used to kneeling comes out to mop down his sopping brow, as the undrowned swab boarded decks of friends’ blood.

Soldiers’ sights looming where oft learned eyes drift

Cloud-hooded moon poet’s dipping well rift twinning ours and other worlds

Swirling pink tunnels stirred pearls alluring in purity

Surety one would ne’er return upon entering enhancing desirability

Alluring lunar devices limn liminal evening’s uneven sightline

Side to side land-denied pray to Poseidon named Neptune, of old Irish Mannanan

One smiling legionary overtaken by his wine speaks of misluck tirelessly

“Oh, to be owed sinecure; to have been oathed favour by saved Emperors!”

Bobbing azure shallows, chasing waves fizzle out meeting their own tails

Swaying horizon dipping diving, it will morning before they away

Each ships’ rail emblazoned with scenes of Grecian derring

Erring heroes who died before age blemished them, Homer’s faultless blameless

Draining fauned grails of mawkish old wine

Pale left untaken for the God of Grain, they are shameless in revel

Tales told by greybeard sailors during the hour of long shadows, under heaven

Fadó fadó long long ago, tales of Titans in times before matter and those clothed by it

All land honed from their cloven bones, hill rounds merely mounds of enormous slumped forms

Level ground is not for us, we who die astride tides do drown at death’s sentence.

Pious soldiers, reborn under Christly Mithras, kneeling on a beach

Fossilmarbles millions tossed flotsam, prehistoric marvels painted on

Splayed hands lessen lancing sun

Sideglancing: dancing slaves snake-scarved gaily playing by Cumaean caves human-made

When they bend to tend the uneven lengths of pleated rope, it raised kneeward bee-favoured clover-coloured hems

Revealing latticing scars, rune-carved bars signalling ownership

Like unclear ogham lining a spine of deer bone in a Mount Sandel cyst burial

Arts of Andals.

Fierce hooks stacked awaiting, grasping eagle talons ferried dock to deck

Packed into harpax by hard-backed, whip-damaged flanks below ears mangled by privateer’s knives; scars old strifes as mark trialful sea lives

On the foredeck men with Celtic bands tattooed on arms and anchor-décored hands handle munitions

A harpax well-aimed, deftly-fired shames ballistae, impact rack and ruin of lesser vessels

Storm of shrapnel lumpen, splinter-serrated scraps spinning on slaughter-scarletted swells

Snacks on lesser boats snaps prows slits masthead throats knocks aside floating dead.

Propitiating Mars aboard ship

Exalted blood extravasates eviscerated sacral animals

Dripping upon stemless pate of imperial exhorder

Acolytes hidden orders professing to know Athena’s daughters’ true names

Bid arise prospective brothers ichor-smothered 

They take no lovers other than sacred prostitutes denoted Inanna

They hight themselves below others, they will not long for Olympian heights

They crave on lonely, icy nights without covers only her delights

But they are loyal because they are frightened

In battle, she heightens courage and sense, arms against struggle

Endows with strength the blood drinkers.

Like dreams of future wars manifest in dawn ages

Armhouses of dead Emperors beneath waters pristine linger underfringe

Wrecks of marine melees from times antique, old as Eden

Thereunder yon verdant garden where go dreams, clean as eddies along unseen Hippocrene

Ships cleaved cleanly

Sand grains sieve through sluice grates

Sharks at play mariner’s malaise

Gull splayed on deck spraying blood where struck

Wrecks, halved masts and rent prows, drowned sailor’s open mouths the waiting houses of eels, foulness seals it like clouds.

As at festival, Jupiter’s priests aboard Libernian Vessels pour overboard  libations

Imperial Carnifex Megas Doux whose thumb’s accent damned many gladiators

Pleated sash, swoon-inducing enamelled cuirass, curious quiff swoop

Stoops placing a damming finger in brine’s path, sliding along his deck’s plank lines

Raising sea-glazed fingers presses them splayed to brow like a thorn crown

Wavethrown blessings from PoseidoNeptune’s trining ident spray acceptance up to the gunwales

Beside him, a hawkhelmed soldier chewing a wheatstalk astride the balustrade

At his greaves a resting shield many blows to breast repealed but none at sea

Face depicting commonplace frieze motif, Hera-maddened Hercules at labour slaying the Lernaean Hydra teased out in emerald and ivory.

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