Propaganda Prior to Actium

Octavian the reverenced, not yet August

Hush descends when he ascends the eagle pulpit, eagle blood pumping

Dilating pupils highlighting pool blue eyes, perfumes lies:

“Octavia sports roots Roman as Remus

Her blood follows regal routes teeming with Romulean energy

Her ancestors all conquerors whom fettered Gauls with palsy-blue tattoo coverings were brought to grovel before

He, the traitor to Rome Marc Antony, who soon will die, has left her unsatisfied

Bidden to Egypt by a guileful priestess

He and a she-witch practice incest in middens

Pittance neither for Rome nor hordes of hateful barbarians choking its road

Have we not made it so that all roads here lead?

Such is the cost of leadership, this constant bleeding

Grief of foreign greed

We hear pleas, pleases from every hungry dishevelled peon

They feed from us like leeches

Even now landing upon our teeming beaches, bleaching Rome of roman colours

Marc Antony would see Rome ruled by goats in Memphis.

Those fit once for slave collars will discourse in our great Senate!”

Last remark injects with venom more, much muttering from the floor

Leaves then, denouncing further pronouncement as mere pride

Showman’s crowdpleasing unseemly beneath him

His Princeps hems steps sweeping.

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