Nights Before Actium

Before Actium in Egypt

Fifteen years purgatory for Marc Antony, among bird-headed statuary

Drinking whilst playing kingly chance games, discipline eroding steadily 

Telling his men they must continue trusting him unto triumph

“Jupiter will smite their ships, Set having sewn confusion among them

We will feed them to the Nile, Sobek thence casts judgement

Fear not but feel as cutthroat wolves should for you are that

Coming back our prows will hack through bloodspattered latitutudes

We will ferry to Rome new attitudes, away with prunes and rude institutions

We will teach them to leave their bodies with water, to meet Ra-Jupiter

We will leave a blasted heath where his landed armies camp

We will leave floating planks to mark where we cleft clean his fleet

We will like animate fire sweep Earth clean of Octavian, these feet”

Antony points to those sandals worn still in Greek style since Ptolemy

Who in zeal for foreknowledge left his body to sweep Akashic aisles searching for unread steles marked by intact seals

“will tattoo again on Rome’s streets

Mark these and other words as decrees, here here!”

Resounding cheers, a brief appearance of readiness

But his troops trudge through his halls like men sentenced to imminent death

Applause leaves him empty but he continues on with gravity,

“We will descend on this pup upstart like Caesar on the pirates!”

His Thoth-scribe’s pen scraping as told, alas wasting papyrus.

Moon in Leo

Enter Lover, with worry wasting

His face turning, she embraces from behind

Egyptian Queen’s fingers elfinthin running through Antony’s hair

By Osiris-faced braziers expulsing sawing flames she is conjured slim-waisted and tastefully regaled, she who does not wait: waiflike warlike wifely

Ne’er losing wildness, feline wiliness embracing Captain lacing thighs

Legs twined stencils for divine hermaphrodites

Aphrodite’s love sightless, lust beyond lust

Dwindling stars arcing overhead as garnet-spoked chariots

Hours left in this life, perhaps they know it

He calls on divine powers of Rome and Egypt, asking rare providence

She is prudent to remain quiet, he is in such habits lately

Fidgeting with cuffs, speaking aloud to Minerva in mirrors where stirs no visage save his own

His beckoning digit straightens, highlighting fading light

Two horned lanterns their lurid, impossible love born under

Before their very eyes lovelight vanishing implacably like scent fleeing dying flowers

Marc Antony cannot meet Cleopatra’s eyes, maskless in the land of disguises.

In infrequently-entered rooms inebriated, staggering past priestly pictures

Friezes showing that land’s evil Daggial, higher lifting his curved dagger

They hear a lilting Nile seething nearby in Bayou sleepstealing heat

Birds crying like teething babes defiantly proclaiming virility whilst declaiming the ability of rivals

Anarchic tribes ribald barbary apes trifling

Below sky-flicked tamarisks whose limp wrists in this thirsty, arid land of exiles recalls anorexic lavender.

Antony sitting like a seneschal on a shallow shelf surrounded by plush cushions, mesh betwixt

Eunuchs mixing myth-unlocking drinks, boiling concoction seeming impotable

What seem like eyeballs floating therein

A dream key from Megiddo’s magma, void-aporting portal to megatherion

Imbibes a dram or more of acrid admix, acidic in his tract

Man commander who lacks nothing cannot relax but by taxing intaking of chemyst-rack vintages

Bathed in speckled light through a grille, his best gleoman begins like a storm’s first wind.

His winnowing breath spread through many windows like little butter over a lot bread

By senescence lost some essence of itself, yet impression was not lessened.

The bard with both eyes having is neither a Homer nor a Dante, but he speaks of these things: Hades and death, beautiful ladies cursed time and again by jealous Hera for their part in Zeus’ infidelities

Ancient hearths hearts stirred to startle sparking sparkling anew, dispelling long-lingering darkness where Anubis looms.

Reminders of proud Alexander, whose hands cupped the world’s face

Emperors and bandits alike pilgrimage, one whose light outstood

Hooded orderlies ne’er betray his obelisk’s location

Chaos King’s leukós armour arrayed in cloisters at stations on avenues bearing his name in Alexandria

Succoured by handsome demigods many in marble-halled Babylon

Alexander was too a man of letters, who need not endure yet enjoyed lessons

As he enjoyed lessening populations the World’s breadth round 

Taught knowledge by Aristotle, later learned his mother part-Goddess

Alexander amused by muse-met gleomen confused by omens, what myths meant

Poisoned cup supped boldly coldly closed ram-clothed champion’s eyes

Whose archambition shook ages; in Alexandria his lost grave.

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