
I remember how much half-smiling teachers loathed your interruptions

I remember eruptions of laughter every time you spoke

I remember buying weed from you, smoking it in the lane

There are more good times than I now can remember in the haze of days

We spent blazing in what seemed like hazy endless summers, pondering nothing

You who pandered to nobody were a madman, smoking bongs of hydroponic before exams.

The way you made new people feel like lifelong mates was amazing

Your sunlike face and flaxen mane back then, listening to Led Zeppelin in Saturday detention

How you gave no thought or attention to station or abstention, and created wonder at length

Too many graces to mention, too many faces unmade by unmentionable death

If we could talk to you again, repeal your sentence for a breath’s length, we would walk earth’s breadth

All bread we break this day is broken for you, pint glasses streaked with porter cream.

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