Death Brief Visitor

We who survive you do so begrudgingly, we the unsmiling

Like a triumph spining along the road

Lumps in throats blown noses

Family read words they wrote, tears spatter coats

Words more beautiful than merits so doleful a day, their voices did not break

But rang out in elation and sang to broken hearts

Music for him highest of arts

They spoke of boundless empathy, of unworldliness, of ere-willingness

Indeed he was transient, a being ethereal, peerless in wit and without ego.

We the devastated congregate in the church, that death be sent away

We bleed our love to you with desolation and dismay

Rumbling running engines sending tendrils skyward to high heaven

Where the dead become undying

Stone Roses songs in the church at Dundrum

Red roses crossed against a fresh headstone

He will be robed in life, as he was in life

Knife of this occurrence, night of grieving parents

Rich in melancholy’s currency coughing back tears, hissing prayoral responses

In grief’s livery counting missing years on fingertips, haunted

Slivers of aureate light swimming through stained glass, peacocking your coffintop.

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