Cold War

Overall it is a dull war

A dreaded bore

Nothing like the war you think of from stories

Gore, glory, posh men ahorse arrayed in pendant-laden grey khaki and sashes, cavalries arranged in lines charging flak cannons under fire, legs exploded by mines, crying oxbridge sorts penning dreadful lines of clumsy-rhymed verse in rat-ridden billets from Lyon to Bethune

Torch war’s kindling conclude torturous waiting, I cannot endure further injurious days of nothing

If war is to be, let us plunge in like dippers Christmas morn Forty Foot

Fierce nippy rock ‘ard nipples

Baileys tipple, Gran grinning before couple-coloured Christmas tree, saw and sees faeries

Sylphs, silver strands of waving hair pulsating through air, wind-inflated sacks undulating.

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