Cleaning the Church 

Chapelein in apple green cleaning the chapel

Vestibules signalling foliate spring festival

A capful of rum in pineapple punch he took at luncheon, unburdening him of learned trenchancy

Lending him confidence enough to pen off a sentence, he has never been much for entrances

Preferring exits

Entranced by orders and oaths of office, saint’s bones and croziers

Its mystical promises

Socialising goes with it, he could do without

He is in truth a Hobbit in a priest’s soot-hued suit

Neither wearing boots nor brokering quarrel with queer outsiders

He recalls a few snippets from his childhood, seen through a roseate veil

Sipping on cans of cheap cider in the back lanes above Ryder’s field

His brother’s bone-impaled broken leg smashed playing Gaelic, outrising a viscera-gleaming spire like a miniature empyrean

Peering around the corner at the girls peeling off their swimsuits at Lough Neagh in the evening, especially Miriam

Popping a large spot in the mirror during his mocks and blotting out his reflection with pus

His eyes took recording of the glorious spagyric life budding in the Lord’s retort

He glory’s hoarder hears prayers reporting like so many streaking feet.

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