The Lads Up Der In Heaven

Rabelais and James Joyce in tatters, non-stop screaming laughing

Two kin hyenas ginsoaked keen for fine feeding using divinely given gifts to write fart jokes

Gassed over hatter-mad scholars trying to find meaning in their words.

Joyce had a fine voice, could have been a singer

People scanread Ulysses then screed Reddit reviews highlighting the book’s abundant humanity

Vanity of mimicry, broken mirror of Irish part and parcel of fourfold aspect of art

Nimrods writing like english degree students to appease some supposed online audience

Reductive plot recitations masquerading as review or critical analysis by the fake witted fated to failure, I’d rather listen to Timmy Mallett’s opinions on Finnegan’s Wake

There was just so much humanity in this book

Yes, have you any other thoughts?

Yes I really liked the bit where didn’t use full stops

What did you think when Stephen was knocked down by squaddies up at St Stephen’s and Cosgrove Lynch kept his hands in his pockets

What part of your mind became obsessed with the exile notes Joyce penned in Trieste

I liked the bit where Buck Mulligan pretends to bless him, and the martello tower

What of the language of flowers, he was a foliate bard educated by jesuits

What of that child, perhaps eleven, Bloom’s dead Rudy; Ruby Pride of the Ring

Where she heard metempsychosis, transmigration of souls, met wet him on the cove cold dirty old Dublin 

Man in a Macintosh, the quest for his identity left in the hands of fans, medusa truth unseeable

The man who wrote these things supposedly agreeable, gregarious even, especially gee-eyed

He had pride too much for our little spiny island, he was bound to face trials and strifes expressing his insides in a place so tribal, to driven by the trivial, we are saints and sinners going to heaven or oblivion.

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