Soul Sucking Doll

Bought an evil doll

She feigned to borrow

Then stole a soul

Swallowed whole

Black hole maw gnawing

On one’s immortal spirit.

Muse, tell through me the facepaling tale of the living fetish

Fetch me apt words I might out wretched scripts ripped from the crypt-heart of hell where cryptarchs rest for chiliarches awaiting the final march

From thy horseloud marches with cloud-longing unguarded skies, past cryptid-guarded arches

Pierce meshes betwixt that I might by writing exodise feelings which drive me to dementedness

Cross with me the Styx, drink with me this smoke-coiled admix

Grant me the lyrics of Orpheus, when my wrist flicks

Let every word fit perfectly, that pleasing pictures flee unto thee

Let phrase report loudly

Let pages contort like wet clod beneath horse

Lend the familiar strangeness, turn every red vermillion

Let my unsettled pen’s fury loose Norns from yarn turning

Elate my merest meekest statements to glow like stately odes

Make my cloak purple as my prose grows in sight of you, a liar’s nose

Rotating sworls creating

Along quare vortices hurtling

Those wonderful buttery words you whisper into my earpiece

They flee like the long-confined when freed but when I cannot screed they burn inside me, lend me such urgency

Let questing aureate beams effulge thee obscenely

Lend chrysostomos tonguehoney enough to forcefully dispel Thomas’ doubt, Queen Bee

With free-flowing key-like energy unlock the bolted ceilings which seal in the sorties of muttered prayers

Let a great sorting conclude with a scroll of perfect sentences, the most fitting verbs and furtive of phrases evoking the archaic and arcane

Lend me the million minds of a man insane, bale thy ivorytowerhand and fingers to a fist and shower with eager rain the sand grains in my grail.

She came to be

Many centuries

Thence came to he

Only fragments remain, dreams recollected years after hatching, speaking of her mother’s womb’s fomenting

Seeds of evil planted in the pit of a right hand, lantern of the sun held in the left

Nurtured at sour, veined Willendorf breasts

Starved until distressed, given heads and chests of wood invested with hatred for others, and for love and brotherhood

Agape will be left agape

It is never right but that night they were too frightened to act

Capering among braziers, cavorting in mooneked manure

Fires tapering fighting back night black as a tapeback

Fiendhorns like ribbed rapiers scraping high branches, his cape shifting as he raped her upon the altar

Deep rooted devil trees where on primaeval eves, Eves of evil east of Eden were burdened with flesh-greedy children, and this was one.

In Gabon of the savannahs, itself west of Congo, in view of the Atlantic

He first caught sight of her in a shamans bazaar in Etéké, north of Ndende and west of Mimongo

Perhaps lulled to indulgence by romantic scenes as stood before

As from stories dipped in dreams

Storefronts raised from nail-ridden boards, signs with flaking paint

Fruits he had never seen before, papained meat

Strained berry drinks strange tasting and capped with foam, like waves

Without constraint, without the least strain to coffers

Pulled out his wallet and bid a maven proffer her oddest oddments and curios from the orient to awe the occident on the home continent

Over which a curious audience might appreciatively fawn, fingerstaining glass cases

Perhaps even lapsing into clapping to applaud a strange thing from abroad.

What she ordered brought forth was foreign in the sense that its style was divorced utterly from those in fashion, those girls played with, yet it lacked some exotique to speak of its antipodicity

The history of the object, she explained through his interpreter, is unique and shocking, especially for a western audience

More goods fetched, a turbaned servant ferrying boxes on his back like an ass

His hand lopped off at wrist, theft’s price in his land of Mitzic

Yet his eyes tracked backward to the doll, haunted by a busy hollowness about it

Her twisted visage a fiend’s cracked mirror faintly endures, injurious presence

Her eyes witness to dark deeds, those eyes:

Beady black a scything shark’s sighter, caudal fin ferries it to sin 

Same toothedsmile guile one might sight as fangs pry apart safety cage bars

Like Dr Dee’s aztec scrying mirror

Light-swallowing pits of horror, swirling black like hurricaning squidink, a frostbitten volcano’s toes.

When placed on her shelf, her upward bending head began trending downwards

Her delving eyes, nouns divers could not describe the urge to smite her there and then, yet he did not

Instead taking his pen expends venom through vellum

Soon enveloped by narratives developing, scarcely descrying the frightening scene unfolding

Caught up in thwarting rhyme, no attention given time or the thing climbing toward him

Using drawer bottoms as ladder rungs, clung to each and hung there hungering for gore

Flashes of lightning, highted Zeus’ things, highlight the room, her booth soothed by her removal.

Sound of tiny boots moving along the floor, phalanxes of ant troops on the move

He has written voluminous columns about potential problems inherent in a haunted doll

As a demonic doll stalks toward him, such a fate forsooth seems to suit so tone deaf a scribe, how droll

The carpet rolls up undulating hills whose crossing thrills her, this miniature Hannibal

She is a cannibal, in that she drags limbs off other dolls, leaves them like cannonball victims

Sticks them onto herself until she is a six limbed abominate; a glass inkwell he dibs his nib in

Its clinking arrests momentarily and his first inkling, situation quickly sinking in, the sinful thing

Makes its way across to him, imbalanced by superfluous limbs it sways and shambles

Supernaturally animated it plans and thinks, handles a knife it plans to sink into the back of his ankles

He would be like Talos, brought low by the sea by a wound in his ankle, or like Achilles struck by an arrow in a tender tendon below his anklet

The ankh necklace at his breast seems to shiver

He is given just enough time to regret not having moved yet, white to red like a mood light, or moonlight when rites commence

He is utterly frightened by the sight, face whitened like an evil corpse denied new life by the Christ

He swipes her to the side, she slides across the floor and strikes the sideboard

Heavied his bloodied hem, though not a medical man leveed the crescent to stem the flow.

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