Assyrian Violence 

At Inanna’s bone strewn palace 

Prelates sifting bird guts seeking prophecy

Zealots fill stone bowls with blood.

Assyrian war crimes 

None can deny their advances 

Upraised wolf faces slit by raised lances

The time of diplomacy is over

Bones and blood loam for new orchards

Sennacherib brings new tortures to the world 

Gold domed elden temples put to torches

The shrón of the sphinx sanded down.

Fleshripping hooks driven through slave hips below lung and rib rung 

Rope fed through and through the next, until all in a line fall into march at an overseer’s tug

Slickened with slave blood quickened by the lash

Clanking sandals along a plank path toward brine, the lapping bath 

The laughing ass peering in 

The slaughter-mad Assyrian 

Sets aflame the base of the Empyrean 

Between half-eaten peltast shields, singers blonde as Swedes breathe sweet melodies

Dulcifying breezes, honey such would pacify a bee

Slingers with leathers strung on swearing fingers, satchels full of debris and grit

The wolf king’s gilt galley sits uneasily like a fitting Emperor having crossed the Rubicon, his lips frothing

Slit gizzards of wizards in gilt starquilted robes claret the wood, blood outrivers

Fissures strobe with blood, bubbling it strove to clot, slumped 

Knots grasped to exact tolls unroll unfurling unruly, greasy moplike locks

Shocked eyes bulging like risen bread from small-sized baking liners

Like ignored pox-dead, tongues lolling out of heads red as a Shriner’s fez, which a mangy fox will tear apart unless a witch finds it first.

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