Model Not Territory 

Ptolemy’s model followed geocentric principles 

Earth as sun centre around which spheres rotate uniformly as ships in typhoons, along circles split like zodiac glyphs

At the epicentre the sun housing the earth

Divinely plotted prescribed orbits to fit solar alignments are called deferents

These are fenced and intersected by smaller circular orbits called epicycles 

By such devices are heaven’s lights hoist to right places along the night gallery

A phalanx of fiery stars seen as a line when viewed from earth

Like unvisored cannons along the flank of a war galley all firing at once into the horizon 

The souls of those who died rise as sprites

The devil sent tricks to whip the thick and dull their instincts

It is a new mediaeval, they attack the heliocentric model, believe ships sink

Off the brink of a flat disc world.

The model is never the territory, the map and land are different stories

Ptolemy’s model foremost considered the glory of Man and his god the Sun, those two somehow one when all is done, it is such around which the tale’s web is spun

Our model considers foremost man’s unimportance in grand schemes

Our old wisdoms mere wive’s tales, portents trusted by hex performers and kin-cavorting shameless Lemnians with shaved legs 

They are all models, mere diorama 

Miniature stage to play out our dramas 

Ideas armour against truth that would harm us 

Trauma for what we are inaptly armed for

Concepts like karma and dharma, the power of now, balm to salve the darker truths 

Routes to the matted root womb of the world, where toothed, fanged darkness gnaws through its lurid tomb

Satanic banners unfurl in windless tunnels

A world without meaning, four walls barred windows and a crystal ceiling, rats running through runnels until sand runs out

We are Stymphalian birds overpreening feathers toxic to any passing mammalian creature featuring hunger, to pass time.

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