Friend to a King

No such thing as a friend to a king

To be friend to a king is to be friend to a lion

They may lie on you, ply you with affections, rare attentions

But they will never rely on you.

You might die confused

Hauled from chambers accused of crimes inventions of

Meaner minds, such kinds as are found at court courting titles

One day it’s hennin-wearing maids, the next it’s venom and rage

You must be pliant, no defiantly defying, there is only surviving

How long until your kindness is spied as slyness, want for kingship

What is your kinship worth when all the world is his to work, mere dirt

Heavy weighs the crown a hundred pound a million ways to fall down

Low hangs the head that wears it, low hangs the fruited bough, low sinks the losing prow

You can never be a friend to a sacred cow, concubines odalisques and confidantes knowbynow nilbymouth power games the power’s out

He who speaks with a nation’s mouth, whose every indent endows empowers tears down 

Whose island-length-breadth rages send ravens cravening from their tower rooks, corvid cowards with mordant powers, their preternatural flocking spells the hour accurate as any three knocks or Banshee knockyoursocksoff screaming.

The Fomorian tower overlooks the island they took off its original inhabitants, for crackpots and fantasists potential Altanteans, La Tene spirals make beaming belle brides of the sea melting sealdwellings rocks in this land of abundant champions

Michael rode the boat ashore, the coastal cock roared like Amergin

Waves recede, leaving like the children of Hamelin

Barnacle Geese fly in bomber formation overseas, I am on the beach at exegese

I spy two bald twigs like wicker man fingers crossed in the sand, first think of Jesus

Then the D-Day landings.

Decorating dunes, a blanding of sand things: winged fish guts, rusted can of Del Monte Fruit Cocktail, Love Song of Prufrockpools, things people lost, a stone stood up marking the beach’s omphalos

Sound of sea in shells, sound of shells underfeet squeezed, tightly packed dolmen undersides grind like teeth, bones break when you walk in hell – but words can never hurt me – scallop shells

The unbridled steeds of the briney winedark sea

Whose dreadlocked fetlocks of seaweed sopping wet no stopping yet

Galloping under the pearlhandled coral lash of Poseidon’s eidolon

Crashing waves and the crashing rocks pissed off about the Argo’s safe cargo 

After arduous targets, when they have sent off their martyrs, they barter with pleasure the maid with incredible measurements a merriment for his men

Bardo evening when the dead can be seen, awake dreaming scenes onto the water’s shifting surface.

He drank so many rums pickled Nelson must be dry

Unlidded eye

Steam as from a breached pie spirals sailward from a sneezing metal kettle

Its shrill whistle like a train’s missives or androidic epistles, he bristles

From rest, halfarcs his necks cracking it, pops open the coffee tin lid clanksback 

Four spoonfuls of heaped powder at this hour, Cap would make him walk the plank

Another night but tonight is given to the crew in thanks, the men of rank 

Are inside drinking fine wine from widehipped tankards, talking Thackeray, their youthful days in Mandalay, rue the day the sun won’t set on something in England’s name

An enormous ray and a school of skates swim alongside slowmoving ship’s slipstream

At home nuts of May and bales of hay, out here drinktops sway

Having a field day on the motionous ocean, what a vexingly ironic notion

Its, bless me, fucking commotion makes the sealegless commode obsessed

Retch so much a newly-bought dress won’t fit anymore

Feel overdressed wearing anything on the ocean floor

The sealegged wet the decks to wash away old vomit and sweat, Augean stables labour

A herculean effort on the part of the labourers, tablesalt of the Earth, salty sea dogs

Who could steer a trireme through a razor reef in a sea fog dense enough to blind God

Men who could whittle a battleship from a log, men who could’ve tied their own Gordian Knots

Knots daunting amounts of nautical miles, long as the Nile or as Time

Most have scurvy red in jaw

Misty milky mercury mysterious Moon sharp and curvy

Mars red tooth and claw bursts forth for adoration, burly and churlish April child, early

Zodiac full of false pride, what the moon hides, its liarlight notsobright

Frightening lease of night, least of things cloven feet cavelings delight in its twilight cover, lunatics taking lunar subterfuge, hailing children from cots

Equal have nots, equal shares, all fear Cap’n’s riding crop

A shadowfull sky, orbiting gulls which only salt-mad mariners dare to make die

They sang or tried, they cried for the men who died, they dined

Though overjoyed, he finds himself reluctant to go over and join in the fun times

He knows he cannot give in kind, he knows his kind and keeps himself confined

To a quiet quarter of the deck, he leans back on the piled nets because everywhere is wet

If he’s to sit he’ll sit here even if they say he’s queer

Good as any other spot in this seadripping kelpripping leviathanlipkissing kip

In his pocketbook he pens shallow verse, ill-fitting verbs, terse tense word usage, twisting rhythm to fit improper rhyme, lack of metrical timing or alignment, yet he was alive

And who was anyone to deny him the right to be his own scribe, to describe things as he saw them, let no law condemn

Let no man constrain

“I will attempt to say what I meant”

Such is his covenant.

Waves tinged with ambergris hissing in like phantom snakes they disappear before getting near

Dear cost to living here, they plant skulls along the beach to strike fear in bold steersman, queer

Idols born of ages idling, welcome to the emerald isle of diddly ayeing.

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