Dublin Types and Sorts

Indigents doing coke in the gents

Wolfwhistling grabbing testicles, hassling safety glass 24 hour Texaco

Ghent’s best offtake an edge, bald Mexican he bought it from

His girl’s drug-gullet capacious as a pelican’s

A 50s Guinness poster on a Christflank scratched mirror, as much reflection as pension book stamps are of a life

A Toucan brings two cans to a couple who plan a baby, one sip you’ll have it in a day

Before taking off he rolls a third, smaller can their way, for the babe he winks then is on the wing

Two can play at that game, wouldn’t incur the shame of sobriety, two pillars of society heighty on the whitey

Pills not diet-y in pick’n’mix variety

Fucking mess but neat and tidy.

Have to keep stretching, their heads in heaven like the raised host leavened

Claws at two and eleven, in-use typewriter carriage jaws, potential ulcers

Speaking without pause, feeling their balls ten times bigger and have dangerously high pulses

His wingspan spread, his aquiline nose must be clean – see Persil clinging 

In his Peaky Blinder jacket arms airplaned, a Condor in Frasier tweed 

White tree of Gondor they’ve got no leaves, no weed left

Pondering how to come upon hydroponic, roll up sleeves and hit the streets

Blue as sonic they call it purple it’s snot green sea green and they’ve greed

Ulysses as written by Mike Skinner, quill was an ink-dipped ten skinner

Head spinner this, Bee Gees repeated winner

Quicker with a steed’s speed, need the seed of Sleipnir and Shadowfax

Waiting for a text back, waiting for the axe to fall

The calls come through, must be balls how they’re rolling now

Ups are up and downs are down, no downpayment meet me now in town.

They leave just enough left

A wedge out of note roll

Metallic tasting nasal mucous rolls out noses like mutant tentacles

The west’s awake and ice obsessed, tie and runners is their well dressed

Mess hall tight haircuts, spin class for the beer guts, witbier is sehr gut, ser says to server

Can feel a crust on the scores in his pocket, pus caulk around open sores

Servants back home at Elsinore, maintaining lawns, renetting tennis courts

They adore Lex Fridman’s podcast, “My dad knew Fred Crisman”, and various kinds of endurance sport

They have a podcast where each week they sample different kinds of Port

Porkies in the H1 report soughtafternumbers honesty afterthought

They massage their own knees, veins raising at this indignation meeting

Youth fleeting, a waning beacon in the weathervane spinning gale rain, yet on they bleet

Mr Brightside starts with a cage escape, the Boys from the walled estates are on their feet

Italian leather squeaks like east asian cars beeping to keep the streets eking along, thrown arms find comrade shoulders, hands become phantom microphone holders

All the olders loath them and report this to the pourer, clockglancing longing for last orders

Memories hazy the next day, Stella Lansing blotches on the recorded evidence, lends

Credence to the suggestion that mixing drinks, ingesting admix, led to this indigestion, an inner inquest begins to tally last night’s sins..

Messing all night with Americans

They’re not used to the big boy tins we’re open carrying

Smell like recent demise in Dublin demesne, avoid certain lanes

The old main drag remains insane, the same queue of cars and buses snaking

Down quayside at a snailslide, spiretip put a hole in a peso

Asked, “Have you ever been Stateside?” which they deny; one afraid of flying, the other simply lying.

Gull’s feast on opened carrion, poppy lariated variags on the lumber place overlooking the low Liffey wall striations 

Gull spikes in the bus station, the state of it, the plough and stars memorial where the territorial

Demand a moratorium on inward migration, they say the nation is full, they use terms like Ukraine Invasion but referring to Ireland

Our Land, they say, the clue is in the name: it’s ours

What kind of freedom movement extols white power

This city has a crazy power at its finest hour

We stop for a Paddy sup, smoke on the stoop and dab white powder

Yank A says I R A slowly like Mayor Quimby, aye ar ah

Suspect he thinks every second person had a Da

In the bally, tell him nah; he says my Da Hank fought in Korea

Career soldier an excellent man and respected veteran, he helps soldiers with retirement plans

He likes gardening and plants, he wears his pants so his zipper sits just below the nipple.

Only patient when waiting for weight

“I’m actually half Italian, I live near the Grand Canyon.”

Walk around Dublin Bloomstyle withershins

They all think they’re kin, my ma’s ma hailed from Armagh, da’s da from Letterkenny

Do you know Hennys out of Louth, around Drogheda or Collon? They don’t know colony like we do

Mate collars says he wants to leave, it’s a snore

Few snorts sure, she’ll be all yours on all fours

That beur wouldn’t go with me if I was calling go lassie go in a voice like Perry Como

Combs back slick fringe, shakes head, tells mate he’s heading that he’s welcome to exit too

The taxi moved like hair grew, as if through gruel, opposite of Spielberg’s Duel as dual carriageways unspool like forked tapes 

Back at the gaff could have coke lines on tables and noses like tapirs but takedownagear

Low ABV beer top tier spliff like a green spear makes them feel like greenseers

Attenborough seems like a good idea but a hyena chase almost provokes a greener

Meaner when he’s not cleaned out, there’s no Fianna anymore

Fiacla sore with gurning, nose and throat burning, coke been a nice little earner

Toke binge sends them under, the ceiling of that dingy bedsit loud as thunder

Some footstep champion plundering his floorboards, sleeping with hoods up

Like Pan zealots in the woods, would chuck wood on the fire had they one, mercury’s up one.

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