Drink my Nightmares

Love the nightmares I strangle to submission

Dip out promising won’t be long, back breathless and bloodstained after the intermission

Flyblown meats I dangle in the dormers of my mission house wrinkle snouts

Tastedlemon mouths like Olive Oil’s arms when peril or harm rears, bouts

Of amnesia punctuated by dreams of missing teeth and feet in plastic bags washing up on beaches

I am inside earth’s mantle, planted like a seed in the loam that forged Adam

I am like something at the atomic level, investigating rumours of an ancient planet

Who crashed and was buried deep in the planet’s centre in profound antiquity

Heat intense as a bursting sun, enough to liquify the earth’s structures

Ructions in the ocean, chain eruptions, Vulcan aeons, sulphurous lungfuls 

Theia bulled her way to a safe nesting place, her cratered face turned away

Who knows how long she hurtled through space before cascading at revenant pace

From traceless aethers, faithless and brave the pagan planet hurtled black as a bandit outfit through the atmosphere to the innersphere 

At her entry, oceans hissed, boiling water transformed to mist, miles before she met resistance

A smiting fist she kissed the world’s lips 

She skims along, dips and trips, drifts, where it runs drag a rift, rips

The floor of the ocean into ragged nazgul cloak strips, bubbles updrift

Her greedy hands enact ancient plans, the subterrane nation like a cathedral hidden in a souterrain

Powerful occult manifestation sends potent dreams to the insane

By oneiric claim he lames the capable, ensures the heretical inherit His kingdom.

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