Chasing Iseult

Fish to a gull

My every plan she is the result

She engulfs me

Only her love can free me

Thoughts of her like an orchestral theme follow me

Even in dreams she is queen thereof.

An insult to call Iseult Isolde

Mark knows of her affairs but will not dissolve the marriage

Nor absolve himself of the title cuckold

Tristan strolls thrice at pace around the space of Iseult’s tower’s base

Climbs it like an elite assault force, brick tight to face

Princely stains, the prince’s handprints stain the brickwork.

Lacing poulaine tendril and silked fingertips into the jutting stayers, a natural stairs

Climbs until heat from her brazier lessens the breeze, the uncaring alwaysstaring stars

Teasing scents sense pleasing rise like acolytes through degrees into the night

Heat of his nature, longing to please himself on Cornwall’s wife

At windowlip near towertip he throws one leg and lifts, taking care not to trip

Wind whips at a new rip in his livery

At liberty too often, the Libertine makes his fated, fatal delivery.

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