Notification of Death 1915

She hears gravel level

Level step of a step sergeant

Loud chest his jangling medals of charge 

His thumb web black from repeated discharge within a yard of target 

He hands over a cream card, says Mrs Hargreaves my heart grieves

When one leaks, indeed all England bleeds 

I know that he died on his feet, there is no defeat with ultimate victory 

He is part of the whole that makes history, he did his level best 

The news level them, the letter devilsent is pent up into a wrinkled ball 

The house in disarray, as if a tear-by tempest had whisked through 

The drink does nothing, the blade is a temptress 

There is no redress

His chest is delivered, from the mess at Arras 

His things are set on his dresser, his folded vest and the mess that was left of his dress shirt

His best shirt, his equestrian gear, his leatherbound book of frustratingly difficult quadratic equations that made his father’s head hurt 

Everytime they pass his picture the waterworks 

The father works as many shifts as the factory will give him

She drinks all day, balm for her years in prison.

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