Angels Weakened by Chain of Flesh

They scream as weak skin shirts them

“My flesh is covered with maggots and clods of dirt.”

Angels made from radiance descended

Light as from the halving dance of radiation

And in lust were turned

If a thing of flame couple with flesh, should not that flesh be burnt 

The fruit of forbidden urge once purged, pushed from a flushed female, were as demiurges upon the earth 

Their evil works made it so that man’s worth was none 

His every thought is evil, evil everything undersun 

To bring his host back underthumb, he conjured tempestuous thunderstorm 

The Ur Father, sire of Kings, Lord of Rings, host leader sin eater ether leading arena filler 

A cruel thunderer, he sent sunderers 

On plundering offensives

Waves lap at the high fences

So much death the tide is coloured as the menses 

Flood defences washed away like child’s toys

Flotsam jetsam strengthens surging tide, lengthens its destructive lease 

The breadth of its ceaseless attrition

The least of hovels, houses of gospel

Libraries full of novels gnosis shhhing booksinnoses, galleries full of nobility and marbles, the marvels 

Stones as from an arbalest from the chest of the sky descend in smoking fury, dust dresses the altar of the host

Death obsessed him most

A red tinted sky that morning hinted 

A wasteful, wrathful evening 

A hole in the sky, the ceiling 

Of the world lifted as if it were a flap in a dollhouse roof 

Booms from distant kingdoms, battle in the city of windowless rooms 

Each crash and subsequent tremor represents a doom 

Twenty times that which reduced Sodom to smoldering dunes

Long brewing the destructive womb smells out the bloodiest Martian moon, due

Date is the doomsday, pages torn out a flaming domesday book to toast the death of ages.

Blood ran in messy vital channels

As if one had spilled whilst toasting, butterhanded the best red vintage mishandled 

The earth’s pauldrons are smashed like an anvil by gargantuan godsent space rocks, a seething cauldron of bubbling dross where they cleft the clod 

From sundered sod a toxic fog cloud rose 

Rows of blighted crops

The burst banks

The ocean drank the thankless 

The rank and file, the rankless 

All who defied

Miles of unsmiling faces 

His hand like a vast spaceship, as in a Renaissance painting extends through a parting many storeys in length

Many stories at length presaged his coming and yet unbecoming surprise writ upon his rapt audience 

The invasion of light at his intercession imparts a heretofore unthought glory

Awaiting rapture, receiving what comes after 

Capture by demons, a life on the rack or underlash

The rod of Aaron unspared against the world’s flank

The ocean that drank Atlantis gained a taste for man 

All the hours of all his days undone at the waving of a hand

At the removal of a band the lank strands of hair drag across his countenance 

The devil with his tripled blade adopts a counterstance 

The ruinous remnants of his last chance askance below him, his long gestating plans like drought plants 

He pants, his every forward advance spins the dancer, every blow answered.

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