Half light half shadow 

Half snakes half ladders

William Stukeley, mind you he was a mason

He was amazed

By the henges

The ancients’ ways

Kept him awake

Days he spent on knees digging ditches

Sweating between the cordons 

A serpent mound, Atlantean in origin

A porous rock they poured concrete in to stopper a healing spring

That water could heal eczema, bring surcease to vexing itching 

Once drew crowds to the centre at Stonehenge.

A central altar stone

Carved with two faces

Severian and Thecla

A wooden structure protects 

Projecting up over it a roof downward sloping from a lofty pate, injecting a sense of grandeur

The sinner divested of his sin leaves grinning 

The sun drunk, a chalice of babe’s blood 

Blood upon the stone, a firstborn son 

Pays for the sun’s extortive burning 

Blood greases the world’s abortive turning.

We cannot know their ways, the stones tease us

Images and adorations and miracles like those ascribed to Jesus

Depicted in rough friezes, on freezing dales far from the Middle East

Gods of deepwood and leaf, stream dreamers and glade pipers, wise vipers and second-sighted water walkers, powers over fire and ice

Waist-high altars around the gaunt door trilithons raise to the most high, the sky queens, steams and vapours laden with intentions, seen

By charm workers, the manifestors of dreams

Tween light and dark their Gods, attainable and relatable, human-seeing

What changed in the human dreaming

What toxin in the human semen

Precludes us toward ascribing self-defeating meaning

Not a leaf greens without conflict over what it means

That which we see mirrors our mind in the manner of its make-up, so that all matter is merely a matter of mind

We are mad as Hatters, high on the hatglue that the blocked factory flues return in black befuddling clouds that’d make a sulphur demon back out.

Blackout blinds and our minds tantamount, from one design

The prize the wine of life, we have a divine power

To be wholly blind to where we are confined

We can divine what is not there, and from this design

Entirely unsuspected futures, such potentials, such cracks, such slight sutures

Through which a hair of soft wax could not pass unnoticed

Strictures of time, place, structure, mere unguent to a greater will

We are more potent, a perfume pungent, a light more effulgent than any a painter or a philosopher will

Augur, we are tigers who choose to write poetry, we forge futures

From the false pictures our mind gives us, forget Orwellian dystopia

We are in a doped-up Utopia, mere Prokofiev knights dancing nights and time always advancing

Outside these, all else is but a fantasy: a fancy, a pursuit, a funeral.

In the world without, a sense of obvious duality about everything 

This reality cause and effect, equal opposites lending definition

Contextual knowledge, enough to make an owl beam, hidden in every crock and crop below every rock and down every steep ledged dell and thorn-hedged edgeland

Yet how much of this proposed dualness is whole duplicity, stemming from the brain’s hemisphericity

The brain stem a bold Homer, a bronze age hangover who thinks the Odyssey isn’t over

We have in our skulls a left side and a right

All that we observe correspondingly alike

We have good to define evil, day to night

Black and white, left and rights

War and peace, water and wine

Love and hate, profane and divine.

The iron tasting child of the chalice is a woozy, love buzz, malice flees it as leeching earls from a palace upon a king’s death

Acolytes act as trip guides for wide-eyed apprentices, nothing in the leatherbound field guide

Nothing in the many miles they spent on their knees in fields picking out mushrooms prepared them for the death of pride

The rubbled ruin of a mask he forgot was a mask falls away from him and he climbs glides skyward like swelling pride like a storm come alive at a witch’s prod

They greet tinkering voidlings, tool-wielding halflings hunched over things, metallic oddments sprouting dreadlock wires, the machine elves’ odd devices

They cower before polearm-jawed mantids living inside the walls of the world

When they wake again in the wood they purge, writhing tossing worm turning neardirt total exertion 

Extinction of all inert elements, the serum is a surgeon 

William Gull, gulp it down, the old self is murdered

Before you were mordant, morbid, mortal; Mordred

Reborn immortal, a lore fortress thy mind a fastness of facts, thy diary a book of acts, thy tongue the deciding axe, thy balding crown bow often in thanks, thy shanks acclimate to bowing, thy temperament steely but allowing

Henceforth let no crowing cow you, let Odin and Hereward crown you

Let Lugh astound you with his lightworking, his star charts mark the lurking

Influence of murky and mysterious manners of the Ur King

He before Time, who is Time and ends Time.

Witches spin like linnets limning in lunelight at Lammas Night

Limelight pales

Pail content colour, lances of pale purity impale balefully the shaded places

Tallowevening the gathering cloud sieves light from the ceiling

Coupling between the bonny corn rigs

Men in golden wigs splaying their asses, penetrated by women wearing pig masks

Ask to last another year, to see the ash bloom again, to pass the degrees in peace

The priestess greases her phallus, teased from the wood by a lancet

Hardened to perfection by the erotic blacksmith, the silver hand

Of the son-slaying weapon worker wrought in hazel the wood of a man

The would of a man who wills it, there is no why to quiet the how, the now

The beachbound ship prow an extension of the west pointing finger

Heat lingers long into evening, vigour stealing fingers of searing heat makes sticky the backs of faction fighters in fantastic fashions

Flutes and whistles and goat pipes, alive with lovemaking, frisson between the cromlechs

The men here submit to their wives, taken in the shadow of the menhir.

We cannot know what is lost

Only that it is lost

We know only that the ghost

Communicates something by its anguished shrieking.

Sacred words, miraculous herbs, vast earthworks and dazzling diamond hauberks, good works and clean wards for the off worst oft worst treated

The tricks of Druids brought that world to ruin

All knowledge they had sewn into 

Breachless wombs, took to tombs 

Their strange lunar rites, only the moon 

Recalls what wonders their violent workings incited

Stone age Mecca perhaps

Time lapse vision of history as a resurrecting flower

Crowds processing around a wooden temple at the prescribed hour

Feeding off the stone’s undeniable power, to fascinate

To help to endure lancinating pains, life’s vicissitudes 

In exchange for the ritual rendering of victuals, the dedication of all victories, the stone could work its graven miracles

Where lightning struck the earth’s rodlike back it burnt black like the fierce flanks of Meraxes having battled with kin flames

Axe to fall, neck of the corn king, rode on a mule from Dál Riada

Crowds of brindled anarchs, hair-woven circlets sparkling in a lark-loud dawn raid

Sunrise paid for in blood

Mud will cup the king

Druids will cut the king

Ample traffic, ground around lith girdling grass trampled in tramping

The champion of that place came forth to a raving crowd, he held his reaving sword and crowed aloud

His words uplifted himself but he was of them and they were proud

The arch druid, a prelate with skin like balled paper and a long tapering beard, grey but red where a dropped paintbrush of his youth still appeared.

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