Golden Joint 

Ledger looking owey 

Like an orgasming mouth

Big dick like I was a tall Richard

Richer than Richie, on a break from Rachel

Playing Primal Rage with Ross and Joey

Richard III how I’m in the car park

Sparking up joints, key spark to car start 

Cursed heart, carbon clouds exhaust farts

Upstarts and tryhards get goldbars uparsed 

Like Midas did martial arts, gold star 

Gold-hard punches when the fight starts

Cold bars best served revenge luncheon 

Lessons with tutor Truncheon

Swing like Miss Trunchbull 

Trenchant until the end.

I’ve never once been maskless

My beautiful chassis, my palace 

Cloistered bust of Pallas, my Picasso 

Can’t hide that I’m an asshole 

Take to task the matter of my last 

Will and testament, nothing given alas.

Slipped disc how often I sit 

Sick dick how often I’m too spliffed to want it

Limp at frisking, limp as Bizkit 

Angry Break Stuff, bolts Olympus 

Born borne by Zeus’ hurling hurtling Nimbus splitter.

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