Fractious Fractions 

We are two sides of one fraction 

A vincula between us 

Two particles interacting

Two hasty tesseracts in quantum action 

Axial maxims 

In the gallery like a hacked sim 

Stimulate my imagination, simulate my emancipation

My eventual station one highly elevated

Elation at my creations

Avuncular Athena a teacher of mathematics tutors Prometheus

Pyre purloiner, his the forbidden fire

Portal through which a mortal can become as a God immortal and immoral 

On Attic plains practising equations 

Ascians speaking in rote phrases in Northron places 

Time in phases 

Time in stasis 

Poseidon in his castle, coral 

At his breast, wave crest 

His firmament, his crown blessed 

With balled mercury pearls.

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