These Days

Used to drink gin and tonics 

Now it’s all djinn and chronic 

Used go out a lot

Stay in now the bottle’s stopped

Everyone I know was shocked

Lopped his bollocks off so he has

I remember doing my mocks

Realize I’m in my jocks

Jolt awake, remember I dropped out

Not for clout, I never did owt

Backhand steals the bubbling river from my mouth.

Used to love Kingdom Hearts

Use my money kings and hearts

Diamonds dancing I’m so drunk, squinting at my hand

A man fans his cards, I stand pat after a royal sampler

I hear a hundred rasping throats, hymns with a tramp choir

My blood calls out for blood, inside me a vampire

Check the ranking, he’s atop it like a pencil topper

I move him out like van hire, ash him in my tophet

I’m the prophet

Three around me like the band are back together

I should go Lassie go, all around the blooming heather.

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