Ascent to Zenith (Virgo Venus)

A bleach injection to enhance my senses, Dr Domestos cleaning method

At Hod climbing up a well wall to Bethod, leaving fingernails embedded

Impressing bloody runes on slick stones, light toward which I’m headed

Like a host unleavened held up to heaven by the Reverend’s enemy.

Cool sap of Spring hues robes

Woodwose ceremony in the wild wood, wind winnowing as through a windowless

World lit only by fire, whipping through the wilting willows

Wince-inducing pain, death-wishing and draining

Pain which ne’er wanes wins over, I have gone insane

I pick a random passage of Yeats and begin to rhapsadomance

Shadows dance by the entrance of my manse, glance at me

As if behind hands I see only flashes of phantom eyes, fantasise

About a device that slices time, elides Einstein’s laws, spites Isaac

Arcing bolts blue as cold Lilac rack to ruin night’s Mycenaean citadels

Peals as from bells, gaunt faeries from the ninth hell

Plutonian climes herald their arrival, salt and spice the earth for their own kind

Farmer on his tractor espied offworld abactors abducting his cattle

Forums called him white hat actor psy op protractor.

I’m embracing the darkness within

Flame-veined bracers glow at sinning

Will he or won’t he

Pulled on my fur coat he

Got me to turn before fastening my throat.

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