Police Search

If you see anything, shout halloa

We dragged a Toyota Corolla from the creek

Dredged it but no body

We’ll spend the night combing

The area like shell collectors

A lot to mull over, pulling out old case files

Dust on the boxes, recalling old names, Giles

Rasdie a local had been always grasping at the hem

Of patient charity, a raspberry blower of the first rank then

He turned vicious

Our community shrank at this violence appalling

At first the town’s denizens though it some rude prank

Some rank gesture, maybe a message against the banks

And their widespread malpractice

The local medical practice performed an autopsy

Doc’s head topsy turvy, not seen one like this since Chawke got shot

At the Goat Bar and Grill in the day’s middle

Rushed at the lunch rush, his brush

With death didn’t exactly make him flush

With the lush milk of human kindness, mush

To any stubborn mutt; it didn’t do much

At all, the food is still appalling

I remember being in school hall when it happened

I was dead frightened someone might pop a cap at

The school and decease me.

Mist as might crown the mull of Kintyre

The entire field inspired to disappear

Dissipating as Sol appears hurling Ornstein’s violent golden spears

We’re in teams, the gridded field in tiers we sweep

Hoping almost a grizzly sight will greet us, let them shed tears

Greeting for dead kids, spending miserable years 

Teasing oneself with suicide

Something in this case, something about it has pierced us all

There is a piece of us all in Rachel McCall from number four Carmanhall

Road apartments 

One boundary is the Carmelite Sanctuary on Upper Kilmacud Road

The other is Lakelands Field, little did we know

A car had been driven to the Dodder, any note

Anyone left to indicate why they did what they had done eloped

With the river’s surge

Hours yet left to search

Purging every pebble, pushing every angle, pedal to metal

She is sixteen now but most remember her eleven

Elven and giddy, innocent of all seven

Deadly sins, her untallied wins

Whispered to the winds

It is rare to find them alive after hour twenty five

We’re approaching the sixty fifth, any hint’d be a gift

A glint of a strip of fabric, even the whiff

Of something rotten would be more heartening than this exhausting


Hours beating brush like bushmen, pushing back ferncover, gorse and briar

Tiredness pushes in and we grope through it, pop two Anadin and feel dopey

Friar Tuck a five minute break, whilst sat on a rock overlooking a brook

I saw tracks in the soft clay of the bluffs, black tattoos on ground white as dove

Breast, stretching all the way to the water’s edge

I took two puffs of my Benson gold and struck it cold on the stone

Moved myself quickly, quick as my old bones would ferry me, old bony ferryman from the Styx

Sticks rake at my eyes, pick at my hair, throng me like sign holders upon a picket crosser

Thick darkness, thick dust thrown up as I half-slide down the bluffs

Filthy coat to cuffs, I stop short of busting into the river

I spy with my little eye a pile of something bustling with flies on the opposite side

I glide like Christ along the hide of the water, small stones keep dry my size nines.

I will see what I expect to see

I lean on tree that’s next to me

Pleasing moss wet as tears gives softly

Soft Cell how I pull on gloves not to taint the scene

Cell light on paint the stream green as a faun’s dream.

Glad I wore a second pullover

Better to be a detective than stationed doing random pull overs

In the hope that the elusive phantom proves dullard and gives himself over

At a roadside inspection

We have to push the public back despite instructions

This is Prussian! We won’t have it, the rebels rush us but the dust up

Is short

Roadside picnic 

Crime and Punishment

It makes sense to Russians

Sending citizen X to the gulag

In the boot of the car we found a bag

Belonging to a student Ciaran Taggart from Balbriggan

The car was last seen parked on Baggot Street

We found inside the bag a notebook

He had written over one scribble bukkake tsunami

Vile poses on the characters seen on Toonami

The word came back from the lab

This is the lad

His dad can’t believe it, he doesn’t believe it

Tell us he’ll batter us if we don’t ourra heor

Rachel’s parents are a different story, lovely couple from Gorey

Visited by mediaeval gore, abhorrent and uncalled for

They swore they will not let love die with Rachel

Each Sunday in the pews, the broken faithful.

Ciaran’s Da grew up in Mulhuddart

His mother was murdered by his older brother

His cousins touched him, smothered

Him with false love, he became accustomed

To abuse, his bosom was a thing of atomic rage

When he came of age, he was not slow about splaying

His own son’s anus, a thorned circle of merciless rapes

His son’s mind the side of a bomb raid, he bum raided

Like an Etruscan tomb, to evade

His father’s advances, who would choke him like Vader,

He made a new life for himself, he was going to school

He wasn’t the fool his Father took him for, soon he was making out

With a girl called Rachel, she was totally amazing

Raised his consciousness and station, he felt elation

In her presence

Soon he found her profound goodness shamed him

He shaved her head, raped and slit her throat. Craving

Death afterwards he had jumped from Bray Head, caved in

His head on the DART tracks, brass tacks

If they’d found him alive, they’d have attacked

Him so brutally and tactically, he’d have been practically


A mass for the souls of the dead

In her mam’s mind decades past the month’s mind

The patch of rind left on the peeled father, rather be dead mind

Would be a kindness to know my time

Was soon, the fruit of my lover’s womb

Gone to the tomb and the worm

Gothic scene indeed in Dean Street church, the Dean and Deacons

Doctors of divinity, directors of Trinity

The State Pathologist Dr John Harbison with a raven suit on

Ancient Greeks hid their faces from ghosts by rubbing soot on

A good send off overall

Not Finnegan’s Wake at all.

Rachel who once sat on our knees

You were a child gleeful

You will hearten heaven’s gleoman

All our townland’s bedesmen speak rosaries for you

We consign thee

To the earth, the roots of trees thy cradle now

Child we cradled we coffin now

No more weeping, swollen-eyed dry coughing

Her hands laid on her tummy as if in quiet prayer grasp a pansy

Pale as the dead from palsy, the space between dates on her grave paltry

Pitiful when so many horrible people live close to a century

Her sentry is now a statue in the cemetery

The mother prays to God, send for me

The Father thinks nothing, defensively

In devastation, they look almost pensieve

Beautiful grief if it was not offensive to think it

Uniting destruction, destruction almighty

The structure is ruptured

Practised at anguish

The demanding language of accepted condolence

Conforming to grief’s marketing demands

Shaking hands with all and sundry, Dudley do rights delivering lasagna

Putting out my Panda for me, bricks on bins when verandas stormy

Decades of penance though they are the ones punished

Happiness penury, penned off from joy, pushed

To utter misery.

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