Worse Horrors 

Sights I’ve seen make heroes incontinent 

When jungleshift occurs, will you still be so confident?

When the very trees you marked with X’s are gone, sent

By vengeful nature to weave and lead your missteps

Will you call yourself the apex when you see the henges

Raised up here, where ditches to stygian ends blend with ferns, hiding edges

With pulleys and sledges megaliths dragged here, dredged with much drudgery to the summit

See the hillside dolmens, blent with great sympathy where they stand

Land, stone and sky, here where it seems a man never walked, the indelible impression of his Durer’s hand

See the ancient henges, raised to elements and gods of vengeance

Raised by ancient man, once with king’s blood drenched

Tall as a Giantess, capstones form the wedge some two hundred stone weight.

Ten men line the banks

Tent poles in kitbags

Sons of sons of bankers

Behemoth tankers

Of Banquo aspect

A more traitorous flank

One would not turn one’s back to

Tension in the ranks

Glass tanks full of specimens for the advancement

Of learning at the Royal Academies in London and Antwerp

Discovered a new species of ant seen to work

Symbiotically with a certain kind of bird

The bird leaves one third of its kill, in return the bird sits atop the anthill

And is thrilled by ant phalanxes rilling across its plumage, rummaging 

For crumbs, unpicking knots, thundering toward a wing 

To pick it clean.

A professor takes clean water from a spring and makes tea

He makes peace in this chaotic place, consults his I-Ching

He asks of it advice, on each thing

Which blocks his clear thinking

He considers the outcomes fixed, after all casinos exist

We’re born somewhere betwixt chip pile and flush in fist

He spreads tarot cards cruciform, turns the first over and fears its warning

His warding pendants and string-hung charms sway as if in alarm, a harmless

Zephyr lifts his tent flaps like a slapper’s skirts

But in a magical mindset he fears the arrival of some unseen curse

He fears the water, where an Undine worse than any undying nurses

Grudges so old they’re rusted, or that some blighter from Tartarus 

Had his Thanatos intended, he is a Taurus and a tourist in this land yet

When his hand looms like a flesh-clothed sun over his African map, it feels somehow correct

Directly he turns over the second, a section of ramped tablecloth grants the image living aspect

It is a Rider Waite deck flecked with bold purple and yellow tones. His index finger pecks

At the third before furling the corner and turning it over

When your morion helmet rusts with sweat and feels like an oversized bucket on your head

Will you still long to be the conqueror?

Mount Abora thrums with dulcimers, sweet scent wound to sound for Orpheus to soothe a hound

Whereas Orpheus went underground, we cross Hades overland 

We are ground down to our constituent parts like alchemical ingredients 

Or the overworked nibs of greedy geniuses taking down taxonomies and genuses

Vital roots like genetic swirls of which they are ignorant, pearl-clutching what’s the Bible


Until now it felt life was a trenta at a starting length, a test to strengthen patience

Now each and every moment illuminates another golden page in the book of days

Whosoever is without the book of life sinks to the sulphur lake and drinks from the endless pyre

To be harangued by vampire bats, bitten until fevered, in a chthonic Escher empire

Tentacled sun like a monstrance, all the glitter of Monserrat’s

Marian miracles come in blinding beneficence. Serrated

Sawlight from the hyper fires, the mellifluous mimicry of the jungle choir.

The planets orbs on an abacus, the eldritch calculus tallies the balance with vile fingers

Our aquabus takes slender corners, sounds what looks unnavigable 

When stationary one skittish crewman takes up arms, trains his arquebus toward the palms

His mind one with his walnut stock carbine, he abuses readiness 

Doubtless he would fire even if one showed friendliness

Out here away from order, a disordered mind can pass unnoticed for a great span of time

A man left to his own devices can dig a deep mine inside himself and never climb out

His deluded mind can send him signs, missives professed divine, names of those who must die

Or that the thinker has died but their manner of passing denied passage to heaven, some bind

Must be uncovered, something taken given back in kind

His spine is architect straight, his clammy palms snugly fixed around the blam trigger

At any sign of a man, he would tense his hand and let his lead expand

The dimensions of any limb where it should land

Beyond the palms, rocky outcrops, and further beyond

Rugged pines like chained slaves are connected by vines, great shaggy stalactites as bind Fenrir until ragnarok

Harquebusier short only destrier and direct orders.

When familiar faces are learnt

To be masks

Horrorseer like Colonel Kurtz 

Always best to presume the worst

Conrad aboard a steamer his story heard

A man with a black beard who took a philtre of kir in his jet-dark beer

Detailed gory deaths traded for glory in the arboreal 

Hell of the dark continent

Before the lark rises let me handle thirst

Before wine disguises me let me business first

I’ve seen larks rising to candleford 

Ralph Vaughan Williams played on an old gramophone 

The scratchy record rotated, the music elevated the room thought he sat alone

Lonely lonely lonely throne 

Table mandelbrot set for two for tea 

Fourteen courses to gorge on, gorgeous

Grouse cuts, all manner of gizzards and guts to delight Lestyrgonians

Drawing room window a tad open looks out upon the lawn, where light strikes his begonias

Table set for her but she’s been gone years, her favourite petunias curled up like fears.

Deep in the interior

Here man is inferior

They stick to muddy lanes, their tugboat The Somberlain

Even their guides will not ambulate in certain places

Taboos about graveyards and how they are maintained

Yet when we pass them we see they contain 

No headstones to mark the graves

Bones in full view, some ragged in old gore

Sporting short stories about how death was obtained

Only priests through long study attain the requisite skills 

To visit the graveyard and return without being killed

The great orb, shadowlender, night’s blender

Teases orpiment veins from the vain, waxy faces of leaves

We wished to journey downriver, sin abating with each surpassed delimit

The napping first mate was bitten atop his pate and met a cruel fate

Lancinating pains shot through him, his hands unable to sate

Unable to create conditions where he could ask for assistance

His life in remission proved a threat to our mission

Splendour of dawndusk

Sutures mending midnight’s meteor-carved trunk

Light in ossuary eggshell spotlights extends like a stretching arm from alarming clouds

Everything here is armed, designed for harm

Animals have armour, plants spiny armaments designed to induce trauma

A sword-leafed plant like a pentacle built of schiavona 

A two-tined smilodon a toothy smile and shark guile is seen for a while

Tendering night’s surrender

Tender as the struck cheek of an eager apprentice

Trees shapeless in the panic-inducing darkness like apparitions

Awaiting conditions for their appearance

A moon-leant grace on a star-etched face, deep into the basin looking out 

Sol races, burns bright and fears not self-consumption, there is no running out

But Luna is a slow sadist, every sluggish second wrung out for juices

Tuna-deep the bodies they consign to the lake, its mirror face breaking

Caking themselves in soot, pallbearers fear the dead will waken

Having ashed their whiteness, all precautions are taken

One can hear the world breathless as its ceaseless rotation

Our captain must have the most boring voice afloat

His throat’s action is like a sleeping agent, he speaks sedation

Water loud with predation

By the messy shore where saurians splash in hunt or wallow

Trees predating them and us and even the water radiate outwards like 

Noxious ash 

Tucked at short collars, apotropaic wards built to war with potential misluck melt into shiny, bubbling pools on the floor

Holding the steering wheel our pilot intones

For us to look where a three toed sloth makes his way home

Titus Groan

Seven-toned songs throng the throats of Lydian birds

Jungle ties itself in impassable knots, Gordian trees 

Piles of stacked stones thousands of years also, as if a Gorgon at shouting freeze

Spied movement.

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