Black and Tans Back

Troop movements

Flew them in from the Somme

The carrier never slows 

Upon the mountain roads

That stows the troops

Stoves the Rhodes colossus of our rebel movement

The dizzying slopes.

Upon the mountain roads

What’s moving shoot

What’s shining loot

What’s that ticking 

In the truck boot

Roger Casement armed me 

Brand new Irish Republican Army

Roaring proud through the capital streets

Nothing to do with Elon’s tweets, freak tweaker will dies on Mars

Couldn’t be fast enough departing

Diverting attention is his department

When the Tans come back

We roll out the flag 

We’re part of an Army but it’s not Jack

Charlton, we’re bog troops no Ritz Carlton

Soon their colonel is on a milk carton

An alarmist Crown wants to press charges

We’re building bombs in backyards, priming charges

Not worked so hard since Thatcher was in charge

All the work shy lads suddenly have busy hands, big plans

It’s not sunny lately but I’m catching Tans 

On Lansdowne Road their blown up Vans

Send up celebrating hands by passing glancers

Rifling through corpse pockets, robbing graves I’m Robert Graves 

Mammetz Wood certain cure for lust of blood

The mud buried half of his face should 

Have stayed buried, flood 

Of gore like good meat beaten 

To pink mince, his organs of sense

Since reduced to flensed strips, past tense

Beauty for this countenance

Burning barns 

Give you blackened hands 

Fucking black and tans.

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