Pilgrims Walking IX

He looks at me for the first time without armour

I plug his waterfalling wounds, as it were my dharma

Hand grips my forearm hard and plain alarm

Etched across his paling countenance, harm

Done to one is done to all, done to self, a charm 

Bracelet of jangling apotropaics 

You won’t ever have that little farm we talked about, a little one on your arm

Another on your knee, a cow in the barn and a horse for each

A mess of fluids no one’ll own up to, sanguinary swap meet

His lips red as fantasy, through pooling blood one barely gleans a glance of his talking muscle and gleaming teeth

Tis facts read as fantasy

His ichor runs in frightening rivulets through the vertically striated concrete streets

Your red essence, essential without which dead, before my eyes the last of senses

The last moments a census would count you, the last moment you could stand to be counted

Your rapid senescence spells an end to the vast multiplicity and replenishment of the present

One moment you seemed rapt by dreams, eyes agleam with keen girls and green fields

The next your haunted eyes imply that some dread terror is arrived, whom none survive

Mounted as it were by the impish nightmare

How it must feel, the reel coming at last to an end

Despising your end, smiling despite it

Through cloudbores, His spies relay positive reports

Whosoever called his mother whore, whosoever slighted She he adored, will hear no retort

He will sleep forever in that undiscovered country, while I toss like a whale-revenged schooner and sleep no more

In retrospect his life’s size seems minute

In fact, nothing of it was life-sized

He lived a diminutive life, with no more guile than the next guy

Frugal and sober, his Father Feargal and mother Sonya when they left him with me

Promised he would grow on me

Now the manse of me, the door out which I speak, my windows my eyes that see, climbed by his ivy

His death ires me, those fires deride our planned fates, such cruel japes belie

A crueller world, empty of all meaning, shaped to our thoughts thereof

Fluxsome entire, this pie without content boasts every filling between Eden and Nod

Satisfying none and all, the appalling misery of it all, the arch competence

Of its wandwaver, his verbs decline in every tense for he masters and eludes time

The world’s invisible rhythms

Relation of this to that, that to this

Concomitant the lip and the fist, the bruise and the kiss

Life and death indivisible

For him the invisible world is made visible, his head swerves like a dirigible

To peruse perfection’s gallery, that sublime original

Nothing here save furtive shadows

Ginger stepping fate’s cruel arrows

I am before the cogitator

Pearl of pearls, his dignities fruit sefirot

They never rot, and all he says is wrought

He came once in fire and tempest, a jove dually wroth

He rode the world then, stallion of his lands with legs astride

Hot still from the egg, the cooling world formed into stacks

The settling land impressionable as hot wax on an adrogyne’s back in the windowless city

Where lives the lictor of Thrax, his mantle spun of blackest black, acephale sword on his back

Its hilt and pommel like a penitent’s rood, lacking only the racked and riven Christ, in his mercy

He comes again concealed

Twice bitten, he flinches the steel

He recalls those nails between his veins

He recalls his back skin hanging in elephant ear flaps and unimaginable pain

He remembers his punctured side and vinegar’s bitter taste.

A map is shown to him, a map of his making, of his father’s making

Marking out thin places, on this he formulates the final ambuscade

He explains his plans to the chagrin of his men, every man among them his own tirade

First dismayed entire at prior consultation’s lack, next waylaid by the notion of full scale attack

You will not beat satan sitting back

Here, bemoaning what you lack

The tracks are many though they appear few

See, his fingershadows grille map contours, he traces the back of the mountains

Those in view though riled are by his gentle force compelled, brought even to smile

He is due all deference

He highlights areas where defences

Are sore lacking, we could attack here?

He places a tack in the likely place of attack

A long track from the cities up to the hills, O’Sullivan’s march 

His hands retract, remain wrapped at his scoured back’s back

Readings of celestial charts, Chaldean arts plied to predict the darting

Of stars and solar maskings, the sun of asking, the son of the world asking

His generals to ride out with banners unfurled, to retake the world, blasting

Forth from the church of our long stasis, with all the arms at our beckoning, stations

We stop at to graze will be the cindered sites of cities we raged toward and razed

Let havoc’s hounds’ frothing mouths tear their autarch down, smoke seen for miles round

Let every flesh clothed form be stripped to its raw chassis, fit for charnel

Let us make like cruelly wise Nessus and clothe the world in poisoned garments

Contrary reputation for mirth and misdemeanour, murder and medicine, praying hands and armaments

Each man thirty times Constantine leans on his generals to ensure no rapine

Occurs on their violent tour, they will kill and gladly war, babes will be fed to hungry speartips

But they will obey these penal codes as under oath, on pain of sliced throat

The way then is clear, we meet here at Dawn and go where the Spear

Of Destiny steers away; a great cheer at that, the final day draws near.

Babel’s linguists visit upon him visions, he cries the bitter lake

Writhing, scabrous forms walked the world in bygone days

Bones as mark attempted genocide piled outside the cave where it hides

Darkness in darkness time biding, tides taking, ides ticking off on the wall.

They arrived 

A great low swelling, as of numberless wasps 

Horns rise, a ditty for the dawn of a pitiless day

On one side of the Piteous Gate his swelling ranks abeyant await marching orders

They play at dice, they fight

God has called a misericord, they are permitted vices

If this be thy last night, you things everlasting, die not without an applebite

An army equalequipped stood gleaming in defence of their city

Couple-coloured banners windbattered flapped on diamond poles

Pretty things, destroying them a pity

Gone now are the days of strongly worded letters

Witty retorts and pithy asides, cat scratch catechism and free verse gospel

Corinthians as written by Jack Kerouac, leaning against the hood of his red cadillac

Or in quiet hostels the wrong side of Mexico, cuidad de la manzana oro

Golden rose of the world in scintillating robes has risen again as an overthrower

Only half his force in view and the groundtroops shudder at his power

Blooming of the worst flower, wash away the Martello tower and the fellow inside who dreams of tigers

Undressing petals, corrosive pollen chews metals like dogs do dental sticks 

A shamir of the flesh made at midnights on the days of creation

Forged beside Urim and Thummim

The entire world in shade at the vast frond bottom of his thumb

They do not take prisoners, none are sent to Frongach to perfect IRA bombing gach lá

Tiocfaidh ár lá

His lámh draws back the curtains

Free of all laws

His spread fingers span the sun

He clasps it once, the light is gone

No more dappled dawns to draw, nor jesuits to fawn o’er birdcaw

He claps but once, the battle is on.

Aeons since he stirred from his throne

The Living God has been rendered bone

Others attest that we are entirely alone

That mental illness is the home 

Of religion, fit only for dunce cone

Wearers, or grief-mad recent pallbearers

He will stir no more than the stone

He can go no further than a fish on a hook

As if in answer, a cornea-branding light shone from above

And the ground trembled terribly, shook

Like a seizing Emperor, in truck with the tall towers the mountains fell

Noah never sees the dove, left this world the last of love

Love’s last dregs, litany of lost labours the flattened cities

Ankles and knees testament to vast statues

Rubble from their blasted alabaster cobblestones the avenues

Snaking through the smoking revenues of our reviewed conduct

Muse shorn of hair in tattered dress address the ashes

The mews where her last favourite lived

All amusement is gone from the world

No more it is the world where ye lived

Ye are moved, nay removed, like Anna Livia

The Liffey is just another underground river

Now; long-coveted dream of Brigadier General Lowe

God said when the world ended, he would spare Ireland

That sparse land so thronged with religious scholars

Ascetic landmass, mystical landscape, few too many collars

Got the priests too hot and bothered, had they bothered to investigate onanism

Or truly seen their countrymen as brothers, they would not have raped each other

A line across the northern climes, a line which marks the battle lines

He sinks Ireland like the rest, rotten we are, sink like a crime’s

Receipt down to the chests of long-dead pirates, which crabs climb.

To cleanse all the races

And the monoliths bearing their faces

Images of beforelord mighty hunters

Powerful warlords who walked among us

In antient time, of old those renowned

Who were by salt drowned

He reckons now a cleansing by fire

A conspiracy against His nations

A reckoning at Tyre, wrecked entire

Her pride, prizes, profits, the prophets said

Would be sacred to the Lord as a matter of course

His rule so lightly enforced gives to a single world-ending evening of misrule

Not since Eve and Eden was such wrath seen, scenes not seen though nothing new under the sun

Had been this side of the world’s younger seasons, when the curse of reason

Did not defile us, neither murder nor treason nor violence stole our pride, our arts appeased him.

Something like a slime

Strange resin thought to be the sky’s sap

Drips down in thick, wobbling droplets

Lowering down into laps

Like slow graces; they do not fall as raindrops but as leaves

Side to side and slow as through the mire

Wading, the entire land is in like style

Alike slimed

Our God is a sitting God, they said

Yet he stood

They slew with rapidity

Corpses swell, abundant morbidity

Abilities beyond this world’s reckoning unveiled

Testament to might, light as from vast rail guns

In one focused beam along the spine of night

Pink as venus

Such sights are not seen twice

Nothing he says is trite, his every syllable a new height

In mastery, he is the heightened, the most high

What he hights so is it named, he knows when we will die.

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