
Kids having nightmares at governments admitting involvement in assassination

Not in our good nation; not our mothers and fathers; not our beloved freemasons

What if Freddy Kreuger FK was Fitzgerald Kennedy 

Admit the assassination where there’s no peril for ‘em

A sad tragedy on closer inspection reveals threads, threnodies of trinities

Get you a bucket of popcorn, tell you how they popped a corn king

No need for a tourniquet, shot him dead fulla holes from the gnoll

Welcome to the nightmare realm, first stop Elm Street

Parents tell them we got him honey, John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Dead near Dealey Plaza, over on Elm Street’s 33rd Parallel 

Wes Craven neither cowen nor coward, worships in caves the graven

Image of the letter G, the eye in triangle, the Sirius mystery

On that James Shelby Downard spiral

Roman roads all lead to Cairo

Out to get me legions of Osiris

Mutilated head for the ancient Irish.

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