Pen of Heaven Arid of Ink 

Quill of Metatron 

Pen with which bright stars were drawn 

Rudely expulsed from heaven’s bawn

An angel spending one last dawn looking down

No dappled dawn drawn, no daylight dauphin

Sun fruited cloudlinings fluttering resemble Her oriflamme

France, which when flown her ranks could never lose

Flambeau lures moths of my memories, lots of my memories I do not

Wish to relive, when you leave you do not return to Camelot

No knaves left, no kestrels either, no griffins flighting

Cirrus clouds ceaselessly writhing the sky wyrms tithing the worldroots, teething fighting like barrelled crabs.

Potential personages in God’s roller index, ninety nine times an enneagram’s maximum

God calls my expulsion a parallel move, neither demotion nor promotion

But the prevailing motion is downward toward a salt-cursed ocean

Which will one day evolve to be a salt-cursed land, salt shifting its only motion

It seemed that great emotion propulsed me, compulsory screaming

Falling so often proves acrobatic dreaming, none of it is real-seeming

The clouds are like real semen thrown at the max security’s blue calming wall

I am a cannonball, turning and fit to topple castle walls, then I am a fireball

A phoenix winging over Egypt, reprieve from hot tempered Sirius, my fall lasts an age

Saw him to smirk, my creator abuser opposer, but I cannot accuse besmirchment; an air of persiflage

If I could just get him alone but for a moment, ply persuasion

Pluck the lyre of his living days to ensure my ways, assuage him, make him see.

In chains I must obey him, his obol the living sun, his grotto

Vast with bafflements, decked with sigil-marked shells, potential heavens potential hells

Orchards full of shelved sefirot, rotting with dutch elm disease

Kingdom of man on its knees but not in the manner decreed

He sends his dogs, the seas, to erase his closest seed

Godspeeds the killing deeds, an aeon of endless calumnies

Beams of aureate sap bleeding from bores in the vast bark of the heaven ash

His hand shades the vast peaks, realms where only his shadow falls, his voice the wind speaks

His guiles the anarchy wreaks, His are the days gone, the days coming, the creative weeks

In its hollow the golden egg’s prize, honeytongued Apollo 

Surrounding him wise angels scribbling on parchments his part in all this, earthsent

Are my betrayers, liars and thieves less archangel more Asmodeus

Deus! I prostrate like a raped oracle at later Delphi knowing my demise commodius

I am recused on grounds of abused privilege, it takes a village for a child

It takes ten million to stay an angel, are they not vile to you, Lord?

Further converse is refused, frankly he looks bored, aborring every word I bore forth

My defence is futile, I will roam febrile as reviled Cain, shaking as I did at my trial

By his flensing knife am I cut off entirely from the river of life, no more will I see the Nile

Feed my fertile crescent, wind through vast Moeris, denial

Of all I am, trial against me for what I am, ever-loathed Daggial.

Heaven’s fence will be my view forever, long long forever

To have strength is pleasant but to draw light from its source, to stride the primal fire, none could be irreverent

Beyond a childbirth, beyond the first kill, beyond a long-desired thirst slaking for a desert Essene 

What he sends is leant his essence but I am marked for malfeasance 

The white stone fades from before me, like I am Shamir of Solomon, his granite-crunching space worm nary a metre long

Then like a curtain drawn the darkness upon

I plunge to the deep, through the atmosphere, to hover above a street

Which antlike people along proceed

In their pride or their greed, the minor wound has festered green

A wound so deep, a miracle is conceded

Clouds conceal the house of seals and seeds

For a moment parting like breeze brushed reeds

So it seemed a second sun did gleam, as if in distant dream they took out the ceiling

Fogs precede the speaker, the decreer

He frees the hands that be, they weave

Like Norns and open like May trees

Hands appear which soon recede

Words those hands’ receipt 

Messages on walls are scrawled, crowds are called 

They seek to be assured 

Which laws have we abjured

Have we offended you


They see not the suffering and the vileness which having endured a spell in Hell they are inured to. 

Harvesting of liars

A red cow will be born to a byre 

Immune to hellfire, pariah of the old messiah 

Come to oust the deep ones, Abaia 

Crows will caw

Through meat stuffed craws

These walls of yours 

Your corpses will pile higher 

Tomatoes reign down on the prophets

Like the feet of angels do on mighty summits

No cubit can measure the dimension of his sufferance

The selflessness of his actions 

His graces and gifts, his amazements, the nations lacking

Guidance cannot thrive, harassed by Poseidon the tide succeeds the land 

The end and the new beginning guided by his hand 

We have been rude and asked for signs, he sends them but we are blind 

He sends signals and arts and wonders and terrors to shake awake human minds

But our binding’s tight 

His supreme action undoes all inaction, we are made undying in his reflection 

He asks want we resurrection, we lower in genuflection 

Many pages left in the book of days, more graces to dispense

More beautiful words to fill the page, greenclothe every space 

Until the darkness relents 

Days to come when sinners gladly repent

Constant bounty, days happily spent 

About kith and kin, unbowed and unbent 

Save to the image of that life he leant.

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