Yellow Rose

She grows that garden rose 

Grows without control 

Sweet smells climb up my nose 

Everything goes on under my nose

Without my knowing.

She is a rose

Her billowing robe flows like abundant sap

Chinese female gold, her dress is yellow orpiment 

Her shift in yellow also, gem of the orchard

She is a scorching opal, sun scored

Around her I feel awkward and untoward 

She is an empress, ever-bored

We open fronts and conduct ceaseless wars

Enough to be painted by Stillorgan’s William Orpen.

I’m glad we met up

Sometimes fed up but glad I’m fettered to you 

When I hate you I’m no better than you

We will be orphans 


She walks like a sarcophagus lid

Walks the world like Boudicca did

All piss and vinegar, fire and vim 

Vast unspoken rage that can’t be lidded 

Upon you, a curse that can’t be lifted.

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