Players Please

Skeleton finger hands limbering up above piano keys

Attained by degrees these masteries

Black and white in rank and file she prods songs from chess pieces

Keratin traces every face along its length, rousing scales

She plays one handed

Her profiled eye like a sunfish side winks, old romantic

Head nodding in drugged emphasis

Another bailed at her hip static

Mouths the music with her lip, her triplets in sixes

Through lapses in her backless black dress ribs jut like xylophone

Tone bars, her bones part to either pole of the piano

Her swivelling body a gallery of bones

Her rhythm slows, notes staccato, sticking out her nose

Wiggles it like a windhit signpost to beckon me over

She worships her instrument, at Mass at last 

A fiery blast her aura a fluxsome oriflamme all the time

But she blazes best in mettle testing, this muse arresting

Her heaving chest , her speedy fingers run the piano’s length like a typewriter line retainer

What is mine, I would do anything to retain her favour

Only she is lit by guttering light from six candles, I walk from dark to light like a returning caver

Emerging from gloom, the room melts away, all the earth is gone, save me and her

Though it is not I who is deaf she tests my Beethoven at length, summons all movements of his

Moonlight Sonata

Now it is night, darkness provokes us to ask will the sun come after, foreverafter

Notes like rising steam flee our throats and mingle by the rafters

Her blues are pale and wide like Frank Sinatra’s eyes

Evoking ice ages, cold skies, dove birds and raptures

Spirit guides, albino tigers, manifestations of holy light.

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