How We Met

Tender as His Mercy

Love can happen from Tinder

On profiles we tender ourselves

How can you expect affection when you won’t lend yourself to anyone a red second

Wanted first, had second, third had no objection

Never been an also ran, never had a second plan, self assured I’m iron man

I’m not overcautious fated thane of Cawdor

Drag yourself along me, like key on car door

In that flesh blender a message from you came up, fresher than the rest 

Since then splendour and plenty.

I abjure the words of courts

I know a secret word of course

Heart size all I prize in chest

Heart game move like chess

Blessed by love’s arrival 

Nothing trivial, no rival 

Ripened, my senses heightened

Bagged one rare as a white bison

Nothing divisive like a book by Bill Bryson

Pushes a boat out but won’t rock it on tides

I’m always on time to meet you

Had other offers which I declined

The day is and you’re even finer

Drawing whistles like patrons in a 50s diner

She likes dinner and wine, to be wined and dined

Occultism, particularly Rudolph Steiner

I’m beside her nodding along her every word

I’m a virgo so mindful but can be unkind, minefield of man feelings buried deep as dead miners

A real whiner too, never one to hold my views

Appear aloof but in a poof gone, you appear confused

Shocked that what you loved of me was a mask review

A new mass grave to put my past in

Going through memories, discarding like experience assassin

Chairs we sat in have our ass imprinted on

Imagine what rubs off after loving long

Even time so much bygone

Still our loving has not gone

Still wanton, we want and are not wan

As is my wont, we are free adults 

To do what we want, but there are bonds

Let no lips touch thine save mine

Steel at kiss offered, sharply decline

Drink deep of potential love’s vintage

I am of that bouquet a master vintner

At love I am no Byron, I admire him 

But do not mimic him, mine is not his

I’m less about kissing cousins

More about love’s try-outs, I host trials 

For entire lives I’ll never try, guy from Audition 

Had it right. Have a wife, have a life

You’re just play time while WiFi is out 

Wifey is out but I’m a loyal hound 

Mouse is out but the cat is bound

Perhaps we both decry our bonds

Realize only now that life is long

Very very very long

Too long to spend squatting over a single shlong

I belong here, you belong here, do we belong together

Bird to bird feather paired, hard as old leather

Our skin will go, our hearts grow together like abounding meadowsweet

Heavensent a chance at love

Disdainful stars plot their distance by our dots

Potential thot to moth to missus to villain.

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    1. ❤ Thank you very much

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