Today’s Sermon

They fidget on pews

The Lord’s body abused

My church of good news

Easy accrues a mill views

Even my food is loot

My amuse bouche

Cost more than your shoes

They have loose lips these louche gits

Money hand over fist, well equipped

Well corrupt, into publics dipped

More hoverers than a fly strip

Twenty three day long acid trip

Asset stripped my bare-ribbed ego

Drink ergo I drank, drinking ergot-laced pints

Bobbin off let the hair go, gyrating in lace pants.

Done away with the high court

Reinstated sore-missed assizes

Andrew Tated, the porn-blissed misers stay home and pull wires

While I am regularly sated by stately sorts, scale of ass sizes

Poster above my head, size up during ass fuck and compare like meerkat to market

This little piggy sends slaves to market while he park it in the gaff, party with the lads

Whiskey in the tumbler like tree sap, whack for my daddy-o that’s whiskey jar and three slap

When my bomb goes off she blows up like Mariko

Burst you in Texas, find smoking parts in Mexico

Like craft crash at Aztec, it’s Star Trek make it so.

What she wants from me is downright unpleasant, makes me a Babylon denizen

I give her easily and often what dozens couldn’t, Dojen of pussy

Ten year sentence I do with eyes closed, zen in the pen

Every letter I sent extolled how pent up I felt, my sweating pen

With Buccmaster and Hereward in forests near the Fen

Resist occupation by opportunity killing Norman men

When the Pope is seen to cavort with whores

And Herod’s crimson cross marks every door

Remind yourself of Númenor

Remember, before rain starts to pour.

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