Non-stop Spinning Top

Got more endings than return of the king

My rhymes exceed in radiance your bling

I have more plants than Swamp Thing

I have more keys than janitor’s keyrings

I know a girl whose name should be Kettering 

Amount of Ket she gets in

K makes you sway, room starts spin 

Like 103.8, always been a phantom

Driving with weight on down the bus lane

Light as bantam my black steed purring panther

Slick like I’ve been basted with Bepanthen 

Long stick like a lancer

Move liquid like a dancer

Promise you I’ve got the answer 

Deduced you think I’m handsome

Make you gifts like I’m pulled by Prancer

I’m Satan’s answer to Santa

Flames orange as a can of Fanta

Shoot up around me like backward fountains

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