Hondo City Law

More Lawgivers than Big Meg badge wearers give me

In my perp face 

Around my place 

More jaw givers than lizards lounging near Pharaoh’s livery 

Crank up the dial like Mean Machine

It runs the rim of my scale from scowl to smile

When you crash I go Dingodile 

Leave your baby I go dingo style

Been a while since I had to slap a vile

Mouth, reddened more than a few snouts

In my time, used to get clouts now get clout

No audition but they asked me to try out

Ten spliffs, man, I need t-break to dry out

More high than not, greater than Scott

Scott of the Antarctic how cold my talk

Your talk saltier than the wife of Lot

My scéal takes an age to tell, it does not sell well.

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