Smoking With Her

Got so much blip we don’t pick up a dropped spliff

Bill another piff, clean the screen like bottled Jiff

Soon can’t hear the screen with the volume of the hiss

Amount of spliffs it takes the piss

Routine busted racecar it’s the pits

Palindromes won’t save me

Pallbearers to grave me

Give it all to be Robert Graves

Sometimes, dealers get hash and pollen in big brown blocks

Big fat spliffs bun and stink up the block

More subscribing to my twigs

Addicted to my special cigs

Than subscribe to my blog

When I go the whole hog it’s tusks not truffles

Wart not a hedge hog, fiend from the black bog

Monged out on three skin sappers, zap you

Your instant outro please up chuck in bathroom

Slap you to stop you choking on sick

You faded quick now I’m billing zoots with your chick

She mouths near like a mic check

Between strands I see ear lobe during mouth sex, my dick

A wick that never seems to shorten, finish up an aborted spliff, smoke it and chortle 

At fail videos on Youtube, brush ash of her boob it’s the fifteenth doob of the day

I feel immortal, morto for your fella and his greener on my lino

Fanta popper popping non stop, meteor shower so many hot rocks

Your feet are on my lap, kick off the kicks no couch marks

Your ankle socks with red sushis on from Primark, remark

I let slide I want to slide in, your eyes dark hope diamonds

Type that men rely on to satisfy them, this demi-monde with dire demands

Another dank cannon in her hands, I’m in Rizlala land before she can’t stand me

Her fella still can’t stand out for the count

I’ve a spare saddle, I’m a fitting mount

Smoke fountains out her slender snout

Damper curtains keep the daylight out

I trace my thumb the breadth of mouth

Shape smoke as she breathes it out

She exhales hard, ahhs aloud in satisfaction, lets me take part

I crack some shit joke she titters at to ensure her next toke

Her bloke stirs not more than an inch, not dead like we joked

Part my lips like the seas before Mosha

Abode of my tongue soon house of smoke

Can’t tell if you’re quiet because you’re mad or just blazed

You lean into my coffee, lips purse for the taste

Nothing goes to waste, shake down the shirts and pillows

Catch a glimpse of her dirty billows, ratchet Raphs girl from Stillo

I lean down to his slumped form and steptoe say Son?

Steeltoe nudge to the Eve makers, these are face breakers

Hon? She urges me back, his thumbs up satisfies so I oblige her

Presumably she wants her back doors broken in, over here caked in makeup

Skirt riding up because of her raised legs, about fifty red flags but she’s so leng

Pengest one that ever chucked chum in this shithole tugboat, I lend 

Her the courage to say what she wants by moving first, I send

Out signals I know she is decoding, Alan Turing computing difficult when zooting

My intentions are whatever hers are, my pliant morality situational needs rebooting

Give the guy another booting in his back this time, I’m fine! 

That means it’s time, no more dining or wining

Whining and fine dining at the ass cafe, finding

We loved things more sordid than we knew

Dying many little deaths, thriving in agony

Trying to devise new forms of rhapsody

My wrap sheet afterwards would get my VISA revoked

At my deeds I express little more than Mona Lisa revolt

That is to say not one look back I take, not one fuck I pay

One foot heaven one foot grave six foot down but not today

I strum the plum and keep looking over, see if he’s sober

Yet but he’s not and she’s wet the TV set barely covers her screaming

My name rebounds off the ceiling, wallpaper peeling shrieks

On the couch it’s no sheets, devil here the nun on streets

Her streakless thong is on the lamp, in heat she bids me yeet

Winning strike unlock the nuke I’d probably beat him Call of Duty too

Thirty two but prime and fast as in youth, smoother and smarter, cute

Only to get you to where I’m depraved, praying you’re wanting to get laid.

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