Console Booting Up

Head spinning broken satellite 

Head held low pattern saturnine

Couch potato sat at nine

News is on, they’re lying

Pen you when you don’t tow the line

Men do what they want most the time

Half of them shackled, rest of them dying 

For fistfuls of shekels 

PS5 been off a while 

Massive drain the update file 

Wanna play a while

Send my thoughts into exile

Wile away the lonely hours 

Wife’s away the cat’s a coward

Jet addict and always relapse

Scour a desert for bottlecaps

Caverns for which there are no maps

Full of mutant traps and flesh in sacks

Bones snap when Yo Guai snacks

I’ve got more bite force than Jaws 

I’m stricter than the tablet laws 

I’m tablet taking Forrest Law

My pen a lance Thoth endorsed

Your plan is two months indoors

My heating is underfloor

Your dinner is applecore

My arch is romanesque

Your door a palimpsest 

Of tasteless styles, I meanwhile blessed

Guileful and erstwhile

Fortune she durst smile

Connects what my nib collects

Stains didn’t have bib correct 

Your last breast off turkey chest

When the last breath leaves your chest

Swore I saw billowing move your vest

Your body of its soul divest 

Other which our skin infests

Delivered from reason

During witch’s season

On Lammas Eve 

My degrees increasion

That’s thirty three, son 

Turty tree if you’re Phibsboron

And Crumlin crumbling despite McGregor’s millions

Humbling poverty in some parts

Drawing guns instead of arts

Kids who need a wooden spooned arse

Terrorising tourists in public parks

First as tragedy then as farce

Down the pan and going fast

Breaking reds on stolen bikes

Breaking bread with other spides

The law disempowered, soon comes that hour

Precipice of ruin is a circus always

Elevators of blood in the hallways 

Of power

The moon my crawl away hiding place.

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