Craic Attic

They used to slag me for liking black metal

Now feel train rumble through the track metal

Rose with thorns and pillow soft petals 

No doc leaf pushing into nettles

What’s up doc, I need prescription sheets

Coz I’m gobbling pills like a junkie fiend

Three sheets to the wind, keys I’m keen

To kneel before

I ruin the ring like got divorced

Nothing forced

Invisible force

Unseen like mouth gift horse

Green as mountain gorse my mound of homegrown ganj

Amount give them probable cause

Amount you got less than scores

If they could get their paws they would give me pause

Not a single one gets close at all

Force ten no sign of Navarone 

Plants fountaining like the one in Rome

Overgrown the plants I’ve owned

Overfilled the bowl and foam 

Silent phone non stop burning bones.

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