Mount of Olives 

Atop Mount Scopus

Looking down at Jerusalem

In bygone days them

Barred entry took to that redoubt

Treating themselves to a painful glimpse

Entreating themselves, tears well in wince

Atop Mount Scopus.

Close indeed to moon in Scorpio

Mount of Olives 

Host of cedar

Hunting ground of Demeter

A clasped hand bars the door

The gloved fist of Caesar

Up here the land plays like a dream 

Dollops of thick cloud shrouding the beams

Sunlight streaming through the world’s seams

Aureate beams as crown Christ sheen 

The drab dressed until they gold gleam 

His works unseen imbue with meaning 

Through cloudclearing light falling in sequins 

And from every sunlit corner the Temple is seen.

On the mount of olives in a cleft

Hidden there at a Sage’s behest

A claw shaped jewel at the mountain’s breast

Jacinths, jets and agates impressed upon its stressed metals

A ruby festers in its solar pommel red as evening west.

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