Healing Powers

A seventh son so his hand heals, he feels the wound a suture sealed

Draws a wince, his princely manner becalms, he prescribes drams of homemix

Gnomic diagnoses, remedies from his old index of herb lore, forgotten ologies and indeed forgotten maladies

Powders to harden sleeping priapics, pricks with narcolepsy

He is the necromancer over dead dicks

Hawks a hair sprouting miraculous admix

Sticks which when rubbed conjure lightning, ores orange as the stygian Styx

For if you want a plus size dick, an additive to dampen dreams

A resin that seals up any seam, a heaven pebble for a cloudy stream

Just as the land heals the hands seal the land deals the landfills are Stigless

The fruit trees bare and figless, the landmaid shorn and wigless, the wickless

Corn King’s flame flickers, his bog blood is the lifegiver, he subsides nippleless.

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