Dealing With It My Way

How do you deal with loss

How do you deal with your job

Come get lost in the fog

Dank ‘nades I do lob

Tongue slobs out to siamese the skins

Use my earphones to pack it back in

Light it and smoke it I’m dangerous agin

Ruin more mothers than gin

Like a vampire I’m in once you call me in

I’m sick of sin, sick of being the only king crowned in tin

The fox by my bin his nose sniffles in he’s et last night scraps then back to his den

A hole in the fence that’s how he got in, tell that to my chickens he’s eaten them ten, nom

Nicked a car drive it like Lauda around the bends

Dash got more frills and potential thrills than La Senza windows

Wives soon widows wish husbands away, still got needs you know

Still down knee and blow, still give ‘that’ a go, you sicko

I’m the only man in Ireland who loves an asshole more than Joyce

I’m the only man left in Ireland who assures that truth is in his voice

Jamesy boy entered more barnacles than a ship’s hull

Pulled in more birds than a jet engine

Clapped more cheeks than a Christian Brother’s ruler

Sent out more dinosaurs than Ingen

Smell better than incense

Scribe better you’re incensed

Augmented breasts drive the already chest obsessed over the edge

It’s like I’m a tail pinned on the donkey, firmly fixed on ass

Top of class, class at backshots one man one jar I’m the glass

Jay and Silent Bob do Degrassi, how much grass I do makes my eyes glassy red as fruit pastilles.

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