Hidden Ritual

In 1971 the Devil released a book and an album

After a millennium in the pit he had a head full of tunes

Every good guitarist owing and betrothed

Every decent singer owes him their throat’s gold

Arousal at fame’s suggestion, their souls by deed his at the moment of their disposal

All the pills and powders they have ingested, their stomach contents a rudeworker’s chest

Plans you seem to see through like goal netting but suddenly you’re enmeshed

Staring down death, your mauley is paused mid-signature

You think of future conquests, everything between man’s Fall and your call

Up to the stage

He leant you his pen and let you keep it after, to friendship seal

Beneath the writing table where only legs close pressed are impressed

A Solomonic seal slapped on in paint and something darker

Lately, your shower sink is clogged with excess hair and skin

As if you are being peeled back in replenishment

The spawning fingers of Sin rub the unguent in

It is your first time performing since you signed a new deal

You neither feel nor look different yet some indefinable turn of a wheel has occurred repealing the laws of what is possible

The possessed and the dispossessed who met him reside here regretting

Some debts make death preferable, hummed breaths stitched mouth impregnable

A legacy of wondrous arts the shaded patron’s ancient portfolio

What paid for the singular words in the first folio

His deals bow bent like a spine curve with polio.

His hidden ritual actualised what?

Lucifer Black Mass album May 5th 1971

The Exorcist book shelf-seen May 5th 1971

No links between, no liner notes giving thanks to the fiend for inspiration

In locked lodge basements the symbolically fluent connect their dots and find infernal peregrinations

The internal alchemy escapes confination, their gut-next alembics gutter admix smoke

Chartreuse smoke winds and twists, groping itself on the back like a pretend kisser

He grins through a cloud parting

Witches french his anus farting

His legs like Nessus have never bent in deference

His defiance to the divine, his mistrust of the vine

Rare essential wine by which mortal and god ally 

Cold in his spirit’s shadows, my knees shake 

My fear abates slowly, baited back like an Irish lad slaps, until all worry is allayed

Flames rise like ten year trees, their long exposure growth cycles on fast forward

What’s habitual becomes ritual

Until it’s needed like a victual.

The white lights above the (His) stage at the launch of the (His) album

Bloodveined white of his abandoned school pupilless eyes, all albumen

Outsized on his slight half summoned skull

Dark as the depths below Khazad Dum 

Your backstage pass spells certain doom

You sit cross legged, swipe away mam’s texts, music shakes the room

When the music ends the music is over, the door is the door of a tomb 

Don’t worry about it, baby, you know us, we’re cool. 

When every single meal is delectable it is hard to choose dessert

With a wall of porn and a sack of pills it is hard to choose the church

Following a track of clubfoot steps, lurching my charge is hurt

Wounded doc salve my scrapes, against split bone splint birch.

He wears a thousand gorgeous faces

Though his true guise is like a pig

His horns below a powdered wig as he pronounces sentencing

Standing with arms folded at the back of a gig selling to kids

Whispering to vast Abaia atop a whale-scraped abandoned rig

His force inside cruel teacher’s eye as he disparages more needful few

His malice in the whiskied hand primed for beating black and blue.

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