
Yellow as a bellow’s charge

Nothing mellow about it

Aggressively bright, solar redolent

Blindness conferrer and ultimate pedant

It awaits reddening, his readied admixes remedies of maladies

Along the axes of nameless stars plots quare voyages

His applicants are highborn, autarchs of rare import, extinct vintage

Light and not unlike a bowl of cocaine, strained salts by spells inflamed

Raised to higher standard the cream’s cream risen a swirling alembic oriflamme

Gold in great store arrests beholders

Yellow as a chest of jewels

Yellow as the eyes of ghouls

Ochre the demon dust, sated the demon lust

Satyr with mansome bust, hairy legs and cloven hoofs

Thrusts the glade loud with trysts, a thyrsus lifts a curse is lifted

Bequests are gifted, rifts are sutured

Dirt is sifted and seeds embedded, sow to reap my soul to keep

Pyrewater mushrooming like shook pus, alembics pushing out steam

Screams rushing out of phials fit to shatter, the flame-battered roundbottoms black as razed Sodom

Citing lesser prophets, sightings of fabulites, confabulations of mere diseased minds, fancies flights

Small, shadowy figures dart out of the structures, it is cold at night

On the way back from our supply run, our vehicle breaks down outside the ruins

Of old Babylon

Goat’s priest sicks gutter hymns to draw the moon down behind the dunes.

Yellow as the dreams of fools

Yellow as the staring wolves

Yellow as the flaming doves

Yellow as the poached ubhs

Yellow as the bee’s hide

Yellow as the solicide

Yellow as a drinker’s skin

Yellow as a piss pot tin

Yellow as an unwashed tooth

Yellow as a yellowroot.

Angels swim in a sea of piss

Angels twin by a woman’s kiss

Ages waiting, cultivating secret mancies

Kindling hidden elements, crowning subtle eminence

Ten thousand names of hidden god yet on my tongue a single one

A wand a snake a shifting rod, a bloodred fecund sun

A moonrock cairn in a hidden grotto deep beneath the embassy

Feeding young to the scabrous prince, Satan’s highest emissary

Their matins are flattened by hammerblow notes, akin more to foundry sounds than melodious odes

Malodorous his generals, death ahorse like El Sid

Hooded sin, his skinless skull a house of vermin

His armpit rank where a scorpion resides

His swamp pit thighs, where a maggot lives

His hollow crown where a black brain gives

Murderous orders, and all good thought sieves

By demons driven but angelseeking

Across final night ferrous comets streaking

For a flighting phoenix I must wait ten watches

Until the admix curls, sports pinkhead blotches

Sofia bottled, the mottled mouthful retreats to paler shades

Cycling palettes, discarding hues used a chameleon confusion of shapes and moods

Uneven with bubbles, humpbacked water emits its hidden lucent facets

Lucid lassitudes, the best portion is lassoed out and entirely subsumed

Bound for ignominy, no enemy to infamy, they all have it in for me

But touch me and Someone will avenge you seventy times over.

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