
On that James Shelby Downard spiral

Every one of my rivals on Illuminati payroll

They harass cowans, and praise Osiris

They keep on top me using mystical toponymy

Placenames imbued with power, if you believe

Sheer awesome triangulating ability

Yellow curse-haunted fareastern city

Subterranean church of the retard undergod

Kingly corntomb of the dawn day underbog

Bloodthirsty spear, bloodthirst draws near

Sate it with prayer, antlered but not deer

Gouged eyes make perfect portals for bored immortals

Bores they pour forth from, blazing maledictory chortles the hyenaboreal

Clawed winds flay the unready, flapping cloaks of their scourged body

Ensorcelled by my sleeping agent my daemon though he tugs my heavy eyelids cannot rouse me

I slump imp-backed onto my rifled papers ink-pecked, infected with Thoth’s alarm, sleep endows me

With chorus that a waking mind mishears, transfigures into silence that which lucidity low prizes

Visions fleeting of worlds in heat experiencing their first snowfall, at first the sleet is alarming

They bare arms against this potential enemy, the bare armed break out in goosebumps

Elders darning jumpers quicker than any Cartwright machine, a halt to all farming

They shiver in windowless houses, the first fall of Mercury on this world

The great storm of locking winter like a gelid parchment unfurls

Every vale and hill papered white so swine could not see pearls

Ten thousand days of unbroken summer, a Tuscan world of dramatic aspect

Suddenly seized by Jack Grey. Sun-dumbed built for day naps circumspect

Barely left their dwellings hung with icicles, unrested in undressed bed wish themselves dead

Dread seen in this snow, will not delve into it, make up stories about it while they break bread

No grit neither them nor their roads, shivering on cold chairs they sit and watch it fall without end

The formless find white most feasible when rendering themselves in our realm

Or mistlike grey, they require quotients of hot blood to raise themselves from hell.

4 responses to “Spiralling”

  1. Many favorite lines here; you border between skeptic and alterior philosopher in my view. Very nice.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw that’s really nice of you to say. There aren’t so many commenters and sometimes it’s so oblique I don’t know where I stand. Your time and lovely words mean loads to me, thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve struggled with the same sentiments. I still don’t have many commenters, most days no viewers even when I do post; it all really depends. Just know what you feel within and the retrospect of sharing your art and writing is all that matters. Everything else follows!! Wish you the best as your art deserves much much more attention!! Thank you for reminding me of this, as I struggle on my side with these feelings as well.😊😄 it’s all for the best, everything in time!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Damn straight, well said. Apollo loves unread poems most of all, so I hear.

        That’s it says you, what is for you never passes you by. Thanks again for your kind, generous sentiment. Your poems are great too, keep speaking your truth and eloquently giving breath to the good you see.

        I’ll be chuffed all day now, cheers 🙂


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