Completing A Tragic Jigsaw

A conspiracy of banded diamonds

Needles threaded, their hum or silence alike spells violence

Like things divine, they communicate through subtle signs

An eyebrow raised, a shoulder lowered

Without a syllable they uttered murder

Come not to Cumbria seeking covens

It’s below your roof they’ve taken cover

The fourth leaf of their clover is removed

The first leg of their half-manifested god hirsute and cloven

A curtain falling like a comet blasting from the church, his cover is removed

Reality’s cut-price fabric tears like wet paper

From that vasting aperture’s uneven dimensions the darkness itself sentient 

Being to whom all life is odious, breaching classical unities he unleashes numerous tragedies

Sustained by chains of bronzed ice intriguing maze of robotic device

Blind men prefer a labyrinth, a wall, a trail, some permanence

Tusked things ridden with Nephilim disease, deceased in the Flood, beneath the permafrost

Crystal caves tunnel of quartz venus, vast peridot penis only miners will come across

Head hardened from pushing coal carts, the sun-wanting sons of hard hearts

A father the child’s first image of God, crueller the crueller thou art

Things that live where no sun defies, called forth from Sheol by the sire of lies

Four riders on the furthest hill, four motley steeds they ride

Cosmic axis spotless sunface divides, sundown a Sunday the son dies a mound rise the solemn rites

What is gone is gone and never shall return

Words witches with them burned

What will be will be and none will yearn

Even worms given time will turn.

Wives of tyrants at Windsor and Sheba

In thrall to dark gods, an invisible alliance

Cultic wives, concubines, brides and odalisques belonging to Abaia

The dead undying, the near dying nearer dead, the living brindled in time’s fire

Time’s square, the seconds the seconds the guts of shamed samurai

Time’s square Saturn’s bordered geographies, His mordant humours keeps his army jogging

A horse flogged until the bones alchemed into dust like a staked fiend

The minutes the minutes the horror the pity

The flood the flood the bells and the city 

The fire the fire a sunburst Thames bisects 

Sweet as Linnet lyrics

Every film the mind projects selected for distribution

What loves allows will retrospect christen cruel delusion

What fate endows, all life gives, a peripheral smudge to a louse

All that is, was and will be no more than spooled illusion

Good intentions haunt corners on hellpaths where eidolons browse

Catalogues of archaic forced plyometrics, rusted obstetric instruments Giegeresque against the silver tray

Pliers that Matachin brothers call breast destroyers, flense faced and chest minced

My mouth agape above yours

As above so below

Adhesive drool strings like the human candle’s shedding

Dangle, spin, fall, pool

Charbydis drawn with drool 

Rarely differ minds of fools

Dual circles in opposition

Your suckling instrument never meant it

Agape Agape

The first time you truly share my pain it is under torture

Relationships in D’s: Direct, Durex, Duress, Death

The dead clamour toward the ghostlight and the mind of a telepath.

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