
Seeking primal source

Primary source the Bible

Banned books fly closed at wind’s arrival

Slam shut my archive’s shuttered eyes

Prized manuscripts and roots pried from crypt ivies line my libraries

Materials in bowls are teased to succour heightened properties 

Symbols known to livery bent to mastery, delivery of silver

My spiralling censer delivers sylvan sensations, quivering

The overboiled prima materia, distilled to quintessence shimmering

Sharp as Glamdring my gentle lancet teases out resins

Watching eyes, former light bringers sensing my presence

Tortures I smiled through, all I was denied, I have solified

What I have confided and had long confined a self denial

A thousand times a coward dies

First the materials are inoperate, uncooperative, trifle and rival in the vial

Like estranged tribals unmeeting, layered like a trifle

Forth, the fourth colour spreads like something viral

Blazing cruciforms adorn redwinged herald of Tyrol

Sigil guides like lyric sheets invite advisable spagyrics

In elephantine alembics the work that started time

Bound by the fourth, the single admix roiling boils

Pour in a full can of fox furs, Fulcanelli compels base transmutation

He has seen the past and brings dire communication

The operation of atom splitting is older than Adam, think Creation

Keepsake of the patient, act of destructive animation

Druids tried to hide this knowledge through enforced illiteracy 

They hid atomic knowledge in Dolmens, in letters symbolised by trees

In threes things terrible throng, three’s fate

Later at Trinity the first bomb would detonate.

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