
Here every gatepost is one Yeats leant against

It’s like they’re obsessed, facades wearing fragments of stanzas 

Strangers mates you haven’t met yet, enemies friends kept at breast

He’ll be a second coming now he’s gone, due after Godot, gone with winds he worshipped

His cold eye cast like a spell, his grave aligned to the great mountain

Beneath which the old folk dwell, swells up there and solemn sheep, windworn peak shears the winds

Clouds circling its level-straight summit like spinning spirits, barnacle geese appearing their spearhead clearing the dome of calm.

At Mendes an obelisk’s tip pierces the sun

Its pointed top the primordial island of benben

Races of giants who raised circles in solar alignment, defiant and divine, fled this island for Egypt

A gift we got our gab a gift they gloried at Giza, a gift from Thoth

Wroth at its misuse, Avianarrator, navigator of heaven’s gifts from sunken Atlantis

It sank hissing, its vile foundries, its blistering alchemies, drank by heaven’s fountain

Two great pillars stand marking the land gone the way of cursed Samarkand

Like Mantis forelegs warns of man’s hubris and ever-Fall.

Benbulbin its bluffs buffeted, blustering from the lips of Boreas, his boreads forecast rainclouds

Not a day goes by without rain or mention of Yeats, every gate one he posied with soon-poems

His idle thoughts masterful, his wild thoughts destriers which his bold quill bridled

Poised at a cliff edge looking out to Neptune’s lot, winds strong enough to knock a sot

Winds knocking cots from nursery oaks and cry babies are made bye babies

Foaming like a beast with rabies the turned tide insists further up the beach 

Loam it seeds, again recedes far out at sea, it speaks snippets seep through to me in sleep

Knightly suit spun with jewels; the lid of night is thus arrayed here at water’s edge

Starfall rain of wishes, fruition of unlikely ends, rendition of unsightly rite nightly, Nightling.

Ag rith like I need a shit.

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