Coast Evokes

Lines like furrows

Oil trucks navigate impossibly small roads, petering out at the sea like an uncupped match

Silage smell Dad always rolled his window down to smell it, held nose barely repels it

Repulses some delight others olfactorily, farm like an abandoned factory all rust and riddled sheet

Smell of slurry hurried by the wind currys pig favour, a distinct flavour 

Goose quaver and stormwind haver, Poseidon below the Deep his neighbour

The land to be returned to him, its drinking down his labour

Sought godfavour the sea-threatened coastal denizens, much labour erecting altars amidst the swells

Now there dwell bones, pestilent smells, dells only tides delve

Twelve sons and eight maidens, splayed out with guts apparent, heads caved in

Coasts the tides strove into, clubs that heads dove into, clove in two, cloven skulled left one or two

Brains leaking from a dead sheep’s skull in the sideshed of my Air BNB

We’re not far from dead daughters, vast slaughters to manlike divines, bloodied waters propitiated

A beloved daughter, priceless bovine, worth a hundred of that kind, kind and fair

Fair winds this blood buys, it geysers out, her stricken form like a plucked lily browning before the beholding eye

Grey where red was, red where white was, the whitewash drinks it 

The storm the storm, they await its abasement, debasement not just a room below my house

Splayed holes played around with, might of soon-to-war men shorebound spent on catamites

Night spent speared stalagmites, mates and mating, morphing forms groaning

The nearing sea peering at it, the rind of the world peels at it, the world chaste steels its embraces with grimaced face

Midway, crosstides lattice and bowl to momentary chalices, the roil stilled a royal palace rolls onward ever neither spite nor malice provokes its intention

Meaningless words like meaning are mentioned, marvelled hosts barrelled

Art makers artificers their greedy eyefuls grabbing fistfuls

Better to boast the seas they had seen, wilder than you and I could spy, keen sighter

Lighter by the sea our bodies again like bosomed babes, chomping at the bit

Her tits send out spumes of milk, thrilling and thick silky fit for forming frames ferrous, Fianna formidable

A crock of shit is all one thinks at they get to grips with the whipping winds the Atlantic rolls in

Know how Atlanteans felt, those who dwelt now where seals seldom dove, where cthulian forms swam the mauve complexity of the angleless and angelless demesne

Near to fearless the sunken ones peerless are prey to none, preying all they haunt their sunless runs.

Can’t swing an umbilical cord without whacking a Yeats, every gatepost inspired a poem, every lick of foam his eye’s white, foot that kicked hard Crowley’s shite on Blythe Road

Golden dawn fawn-whistled, foliate head from thicket emerges his thistled breast full of hedgerow gaps through which wind whistles

Animate he lifts his roots and a roving he does go, in his chest a ten crow caw which only wonder saw

In thrall, enthralled by every Spring-sent scent, dragons climb the ladder of his spine

Supine his mind, a surge of ophidian urge craving the funeral dirge of one he bartered to Hades

Reposed himself opposer, riotous anthem’s composer, discordant clefs tin from his din-making pipe

Mouth fixed to the piece curved like a map of erratic profit, a devil’s sick of sin shiteater grin ushered his Cooleycow-brown teeth in, like ripe fruits waxy and dark; they were striped from use 

Further out to sea a solified locket where Manannan guards his House’s rich gifts

His star-forged galley pearl-hulled and squid-pulled, moves at speed below the waves with dolphin daring

Caring little save his kingdom’s growth, an imperial expansion of his mansome fathoms

His guards at his passage raise fin

Lands we dwell mere prelude to ocean.

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