Hymns to Lofty Enlil

Enlil, you drew together impossible chords

Knots hitherto undreamt, progenitor of dreams

Tarsus upon which Enlil sets his armies

That nations comrade between his seas

Pleases, unleashed his leashed creation

Least of flesh and most of mind, mind’s golden mean

Lasting not long the leaves of language, Gilgamesh his lands flees

Dozen deeds done, his postured onceclockaround ensures posterity

His legend reaches Greeks as Herakles

Shells storing ratios, shedding sparks forge of Hephaestos

Manifestival his manna-fuelled vestibule the cloud’s cover

Lapis his sole’s rest, red gold dust throne around which soul’s rest

Arresting, its warning shout sight stymies fierce passage.

Old bronzebough

Confluence of criticals

Opposite down, fleet street wet cobbles wear a burning Hawksmoor

Blackened earth, as at Ypres, where stood a burnished Hawksmoor, brighter even

Than Uriel’s fingertips

Antient debates between sheep and root, winter and summer, settle the seasons

Summer dies standing pat, guile smile glib knowing how thunderous return will be

Looking through old texts, divine bull

Who saddles the bucking sky, whose paddock boundless draws the edge of what is

Bronze bull animate astride moving fire, rites of kingship whispered to waiting Apis.

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