
Lambent, to win by wits keen

Words measured and massed

Of cruder sentiments shorn

Long pruning, its trained growing

Measured not by inch but metre

Not unlike a poem read by a ruler

Or a compass holder, its legspan

Finds the hidden meaning

Despite ignoring the light-pouring outpouring, beaming

Like a pearl’s underside only God could fetch.

To slander and draw laughter

Act like not you but what they’re all after

Make yourself something above, roof rafter Ryanair flight

Of the bumblebee

Reach heights by means of words

Charged by purpose, your power to describe improves

Your power to compel increases

In creases they folded over bent double though trenchless

Trenchant yes but truthful.

Drawling afterwards wreathed in fag smoke, choking back Bensons

Done, solified box crushed in my bailed boxing bones thrown into bin

The offended party skirts the room’s perimeter like a security angel

Before sidling over, his great mouth poised and eyes to floor

My tongue always primed coats with poison, give him more;

Even without retinue he does no less than best, insults threw

True each one. Afterwards he barely speaks, can barely speak, musters

A mutter’s hard-heard cousin, splutters like a happy horse at points raised

What defences raised, toothless militiamen and balsa palisades my raiders raze

He is like a person shot, shocked and or a sheep flockless craning for crozier-swoop

My apostles overhearing reassemble with much guffawing and girdle the match ground

Their ring a loop circuit along whose fleshed lines mirth sizzles; the target glums and droops

As if his limbs are of hidden metal, and the greedy lord of magnets is not far below

My grammar’s black magic grimoire of skin-sewn, the born-soon demons reside in couplets

Awaiting cups and swords and fool’s errands, have left him full of bleeding bores

Weeping claret, his holes like debottomed casks cry out for fingering like lamp-living whores

Like a belt left for resizing the awl of my tongue, the all of my hate, leaves him hole-ridden

His nights henceforth hagridden, the crone of my commentary haunting him like a limen

Lordly words to my lovers, their mundane doings thrived with foliate phrase; I limn them

Their limbs lithe, lissome, láidir or longing out purely. 

They come seeking fortune, my particular lie longed for

Libations to the lugubrious, Tommy’s poppy to the dope afflicted, spark to a Prius

My lies the land’s length lauded. I am laurelled by a gift that once felt whole unearned

In Mother’s birthing urn letters lanced me, Thoth’s advancement evinced in early scribbles

Later books of magic further dulcify what a poet’s inclination rarifies continuous, dabbles

In spells and charms but at chapel perilous decides what’s more magic than manners: nothing.

What I could earn by Horus rite, I could too earn by a silvering of words I forth bring

Shining like Glamdring now they emerge, drinking down darkness.

Whenever I evocate, hate’s tide; hurtful words spurt forth

My inner alchemy bears Hesperidean fruit yet the charnel must out

Scoria, scree of great work, slag of god’s tools, expel as scorn

When Shakespeare wrote of leering and cuckoo sounds, surely his cucurbit flasks fostered inspiring miasms

No alchemist worth salts announces his crasis.

Inside sight, charging the summoned words

Sworl world-shaped cavorts mind’s corners

Litharge colour of combat’s wine, rent wrist’s discharge

When my armament nears readiness, launch-lust and jitters for deployment

Red cycles through lightening shades, bleaching and reburnishing, until orpiment

Pleasant wholly, rainbow’s midway rest, colour of fruit, Orpheus’ music, mother of gold: gloried orpiment.

Borrowing from myself in my tales, like Ouroboros’ self-lunching tail

I have not a work to my name but to myself assure, and never would aloud, you are the greatest.

Delusion requirement of art production, best believing best make best better; 

Lead to gold, work of old.

One’s social position hinges on slagging ability,

The best are the best and retain privilege, nobility,

Therefore those with no ability are privy to swirlies and cruelty.

One kid Billy Dean got ‘shithead’ lipsticked to his windscreen,

Scrawled on lockers and journal, other implications obscene.

For me a lasher out I cannot fathom long suffering at others’ mouths;

Out with it I shout already advancing, clouting them around locker rooms

Wrapped towel breechclout disentangling itself as Gourdian never would.

End it’s done said amen so imagine expression when Mans I done rolling up

Out from graves I dug wherein I left them snug six feet deep by satan’s feet

The dead are stubborn as rams; I Amun godking of the Ogdoad, first of holy threes

Buried by heresies resurrected only to be buried by pharisees and holy Cees and papist plots and Gaulish greed.

Proud risingsons I turned fallingstars. Their fluttering wings I uttered downwards,

Bustered at conflict, mustard yellow their bellies, iron spines sink to jelly at my hell penning.

Persons glowering at flowers of ten thousand hours scribbling

Their ego like Argo minyan crafted, my clashing rocks dashing rent fore and aft red with dead

Swords pale to barbs and slower still

Toward the bard, the craftless advance afoot across a sward 

Their pace retarded by ardours the bard makes martyrs of triers 

Meanwhile he with missiles powers smites them from afars

Cavemen up against the force of modern arms, stone axes rubbled in the hand

Stick with venom brought against Force that cursed empty Zanarkand

Such slaughter at the Somme pales to what Atlantis brought along

Wave-making city smashers, stronger than the strong, beyond right and wrong

Themselves alone fearing devised their undoing, their pig god’s black-backed statue thronged

When thirsty oceans rose and left of their vast conquests only scraps of puzzling songs.

2 responses to “Jibes”

    1. ❤ Ah shtop. Thank you very much, I appreciate your eye time.


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